Chapter Twenty Three

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The wolves looked to the east as Logan came bursting through town with over a thousand vampires behind him. I could feel the relief flooding through Charlie while he stood beside me, but we could only celebrate for a second or two.

"We need to head back and help the others. It's not all lost yet." Charlie commanded. We followed his lead back to the castle. We didn't make it far before there were wolves upon us once more.

With our new found boost we fought trough, making back to the palace. We could see vampires in the building, trapped in by the wolves down below. We took a moment to breathe, allowing the army Logan had brought to catch up. Once they had we knew that the wolves had noticed. The barely had a chance to turn around and face us before we attacked, going in full force. I was ready to follow into the palace to free the overs, but Charlie pulled me backwards and out of sight before anyone could notice.

"Do you remember what we talked about?" He asked, keeping his voice low. "In these very woods, together our dream of running."

"I... Well yeah." I frowned. "I thought now wasn't the time for that though."

"Now is the only time. We've as good as won Cordy. Just how Logan and I planned. Derek and Brittany are ready to go and I know Lisa will follow wherever Derek goes. If we are still here by the time this battle is over..." Charlie trailed off.

"You'll never get another chance to get away." I finished for him, looking towards the palace. "How long have we got till sunrise?"

"Long enough to get to the port in that town from before. Steal a boat, black it out." Charlie smirked. I just nodded.

"I'll go wherever you do." I smiled back. Charlie just nodded.

"Head towards the town. Get to the wall and wait for me there, on this side of the wall though. Don't go any further on your own. I'll get the others and I will find you." Charlie ordered. I nodded silently, getting ready to run. I let Charlie go first then took off a few seconds afterward. I had no choice but to go the long way round to avoid anymore contact with wolves or vampires.

I couldn't help but hunt while on the way. I figured Charlie would want to do the same and I didn't know how long we would be at sea for. I tried to take a moment to think of the town I had grown up in, but the further away I got, the less it felt like home anyway. The more I ran, the more I realised I just didn't care about it anymore. I was glad the wolves were dying. That the humans would be free. I was even glad that there were more vampires than ever. At least we could only attack at night.

I waited for Charlie. Listening out to every breeze passing through the leaves had a potential to be Charlie rushing through. I knew he wasn't going to be quick. He would need to slip out as quietly as possible. If all four of them were coming, they would have to be discreet, leaving one at a time.

I kept trying to remind myself of this while I waited, but it wasn't easy. I thought about heading back, joining the battle by Charlie's side. It felt pointless to stand around waiting. But eventually I could hear someone coming. I did the best I could to stay hidden, until I could see who it was.

"Cordelia?" Logan called out, doing his best to keep his voice down. I stepped out from my hiding spot.

"What's going on?"

"Charlie got held up. It's Brittany she's..." Logan trailed off.

"Is she dead?"

"Yes." Logan did his best to stay stone faced, but I could see through it.

"Can Charlie still get out?"

"He can. And he has." Charlie replied for Logan. He near enough ran straight into me as he came out the woods, lifting me up as he did so.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into his ear. Charlie just nodded.

"It's now or never." Charlie shrugged it off. "We all knew the risks. Brittany would understand."

"What about Derek and Lisa?"

"We'll wait for them as long as we can. Let's go."

Blood Lust (UNEDITED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz