Chapter Eleven

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It had been a week since I had left home. Charlie was still being extra protective, like always. He would try to stay up and much as he could for me during the day but it wasn't easy on him, besides I was slowly getting used to sleeping in the day and partying during the night - as quietly as possible of course. The last thing we needed was to be spotted by another vampire. It was actually really cool, staying up all night and seeing the sunrise.

I stood at the edge of the river, watching the sunset. I wasn't completely nocturnal just yet. The sun was setting rapidly now, fading from the skyline. It sunk down behind the trees, slowly leaving me in darkness. I couldn't help but count the seconds.

"One... Two... Three..." I grinned as I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"And where have you been wondering this time?" Charlie asked, placing light kisses up my neck. I shivered under his touch.

"Actually I came straight here. I haven't been up long." I smiled, leaning into his embrace. I slowly started to notice something wasn't right about this. His arms were rigid, unlike usual. I turned around in his grip. His eyes were much darker than normal. They had been like that for a while and I couldn't ignore it anymore. "Charlie you need blood." I stated plainly.

"I'm okay." He reassured, but I wasn't buying it for one second.

"No you're not. You can't go on without any blood and if you aren't going to leave to get it then... Well... Maybe there's another way." I sighed. Charlie raised an eyebrow at me. He really wasn't going to just take the hint. I leaned in closer tilting my head to the side to expose my neck.

"No." He muttered, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me back.

"Fine then go hunt."


"Don't bother talking to me until you hunt." I warned, walking back to the campsite. I knew Charlie was following me but I refused to look back. As soon as I reached the site, I crawled into the tent and laid down, keeping my back to the entrance. Charlie laid down next to me, deliberately staring at me until I looked at him.

"Why are you so annoyed about this?" He sighed.

"You're going to ending up hurting yourself, or someone else if you keep this up."

"I know. But for now I'm fine. I'll figure something out."

"But you can't. We have no options. You won't leave me alone for one second. You won't even take me with you. What else is there?" I sighed. Charlie sat for a minute and contemplated.

"Say I did bite you... What if I couldn't stop? What if you died?" He reasoned.

"You wouldn't ever hurt me." I stated, kissing him lightly on the cheek. I could tell even that was difficult for him. I barely noticed until now, just how bad of shape he'd gotten in. I knew Charlie wanted to protest, but he just couldn't. He needed blood too badly to just turn my offer down.

"Alright. We try it just once. If I hurt you in anyway, we'll never turn to this ever again." He reasoned.

"Fine." I smiled. He sighed deeply, if I didn't know better, I would have said he was actually nervous. I sat up and exposed my neck to him. He lent in towards me, lingering over my neck. He took me in his arms to hold my weight so I wouldn't have to. It felt like forever before he finally moved towards my neck. Nerves were boiling away in my stomach by now. Was it going to hurt? I was so busy thinking about how much it could hurt, I didn't realised Charlie was actually about to bite me until it happened. It felt like a sharp sting, then it was like everything was clouded by a white light. It felt like an pleasurable sensation, running all the way through my bones, right up to my fingertips. I couldn't even feel any pain from the bite. It feel so distant from me now.

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