Chapter Twenty Two

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There was something different in the air tonight. As soon as we reached the town we could all feel it. I wasn't sure if it was just the increase in the wolves numbers, or if it had something to do with all the humans sitting in the library looking out at the night sky. But somehow, the air in the town had changed. In a way it felt like maybe the town was changing with me. As if it was suddenly on my side. I wanted to ask Charlie what he was thinking. If he could feel what I felt. Whether it was a vampire thing, or just me over thinking it. It hit that the time for talking was long gone. Along with the time for final goodbyes and good luck wishes. Any minute now the wolves would sense us and they would respond.

No one had a good idea of what exactly the wolves would plan. They knew that vampire senses were too strong for them to be able to sneak up on us. So there main move would be to attack full force and hope for the best. Or at least that was what I had always thought. However standing in the middle of town like we were now, something didn't feel right. The wolves weren't here. They were no where in sight, smell, or even hearing distance. I looked to Charlie and I could see in his face that he was thinking the exact same thing.

"They knew." Charlie breathed.

"We need to go back." Derek whispered back. Charlie just nodded, beginning to turn around, just as the first wolf made their move, going straight for Charlie's throat. Charlie defended himself before anyone else had time to react.

"What the hell." I breathed, but I didn't have time to get an answer. More wolves headed our way, attacking fast. I could hear in the distance more and more battle howls coming from deep inside the woods. Deep enough to be in the vampire territory. If I was right then no one else was going to be coming our way. The wolves had separated us, driving a wedge between vampire armies and picking us off one by one.

Charlie and I stayed back to back, doing our best to fight off the wolves without letting them get to the other person from behind. It was a strategy that would've worked a lot better if Charlie actually trusted me to defend myself as well as him. However he struggled to keep his eyes off me and I could smell his blood from all the bites he was getting.

We fought hard, however I could hear our numbers getting lower. We broke through, making a run for the forest, but more and more wolves kept on coming, blocking our path. This was what they had wanted from the beginning. For us to separate ourselves so they wouldn't have to. Charlie had thought that a staggered attack would throw them off. Wolves rarely ever separated, especially during an attack. But these wolves weren't all from one pack. They were from packs all over the place and I was willing to bet that that were staying in their packs when they picked us off. I could feel the regret radiating off of Charlie, along with the pain and adrenaline. All I could do was wish that he would let it go for now and focus on keeping alive, which was easier said than done.

We kept on pushing, with the vampires at the palace trying to head our way too. In hopes that we could meet in the middle then fight our way out. The wolves numbers were being taken down too but not as fast as ours. All e could be thankful for was the blood. Wolves blood wasn't appealing at all, but it could still provide us with a little boost when we needed it most, and we were all getting desperate.

I looked to Lisa, hoping she was still okay. I couldn't focus on her for long but from what I saw she was definitely injured, but she kept on going with Derek by her side. I knew she had always been a fighter but it was only now that I could really see just how strong she really was. Seeing her keep going gave me the extra little boost I needed to keep on going too.

Brittany was still suffering from the last battle and I could see he struggling. She did her best to dodge the wolves, delivering fatal blows only when she had the clearest of openings, however the wolves were wise to how she was moving, and chose to attack in twos and threes in an attempt to bring her down. I wanted desperately to help, but I couldn't get to her while being attacking myself. I saw Charlie look up in desperation, then without a word he grabbed Brittany, throwing her upwards on top of a two story building.

"Run!" Charlie yelled. His move caused a big enough distraction for us to run further into town. There less wolves further in, due to them being in vampire territory. I held my breath, praying that maybe we had found a way out of this afterall. I could the battle from the vampire territory still raging on, with no sign of stopping. I couldn't be sure, but to me it sounded as if the wolves had the upper hand.

We all took to high ground, avoiding the wolves and taking refuge. We had a minute to breath but we all knew that it wouldn't last long. The wolves would find their way up and them the battle would carry on.

"What do we do?" I asked as quietly as possible. I wasn't even sure who I was talking to anymore.

"I don't know." Charlie breathed. He was holding his own arma dn I could see the blood coming from it. "We heal fast. We just need to keep out of reach for a little while longer. I'll think of something." Charlie did his best to sound reassuring but it didn't meet his eyes and he knew it.

We had nearly given up all hope. Then Logan's voice sounded from the east.

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