There is no wifi

529 12 15

"MITCH IM GONNA DIE!" I exclaimed pushing Mitch into a pit of dragons.

"Why?" He asked floating back from heaven.

"There is NO wifi whatsoever and I really want to stalk your twitter." 

"How about we go into Kesha's apartment and eat lasagna while you wear a tutu?" 

I nodded and flew to Kesha's apartment. Shoot. I forgot my tutu.

"It's ok Scott," Kesha said magically appearing. "I have a fedora."

"Hell no!" I yelled walking into lava. On my way home (By Pentatonix) I saw 3 sharks fighting on land and an old man eating a zebra. Wildlife is amazing sometimes. Mitch disappeared and I wondered where he went. He's probably fucking a doughnut or something.


Pinataatatatatatattatatatata is soup. NCISNDJDODNJFOD POOOP. Ok bai

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