Electric cord

368 13 5

"RUMPLESTILTSKINS MAGIC BALL!" I yelled pushing Avi out of the Earth.

"Scott! You know how scared Avi is of outer space." Kirstie scolded.

I pushed her off to.

I went to The Office in Scranton and said hi to Micheal Scott. (If you don't know who that is then shame on you) 

Mitch had been missing for a couple days, but then I found him in the coffee pot. 

"Mitchy, you know how unsanitary that is!" I said.

He gave me an Elmo sticker. I danced all the way to Africa.

"How'd I get here!?" I giggled. Whatever.

I went back home and ate the couch Mitch was sitting on. He got mad at me.


I'm a sledgehammer WoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

also follow me on insta: @txjk.nc

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