You ate the enchiladas

193 7 11

"Why is Dora exiting the building?" I asked Mitch as I watched Dora leave Home Depot with Big Bird. 

"They probably left the tarantulas with Avi." He said picking out a movie to feed a crocodile on the back of a bus. 

"Oh no, I pushed Avi out of the earth a 43746 years ago."

"Noodle! Why would you do such a monstrous thing?" Mitch said playing a harp.

"Cause he was right there and I was like 'why not?'" 

He nodded and teleported to our house. I teleported after him.

"Mitch Duck Dynasty is on!" 

"When have you ever watched Duck Dynasty?" 

"Never, I just wanted to tell you that it's on." 

----------3,420,017 decades later----------

"Hey Mitch, I just want to tell you something."


"I'm not gay."


AYE CHIMICHANGA! Gonna leave you at this beautiful cliffhanger because I love unicorns and I hate ice cream. Goodbye trapezoid flipingos!

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