Chapter 11: Pillow talk

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I'm standing- alone in the woods.         Everything is quiet. Still. Peaceful.

I look up to see that there are hundreds of colourful birds sitting in the trees around me- all as vibrant and eye-catching as the next. Each one trying to outshine the others, to be the brightest, best, the most beautiful.
But they are all the same-
There is no astounding beauty between them.

And they are pretty,
but they are all pretty.

Suddenly they take off, buzzing around me in a violent frenzy of colour. I feel like I'm drowning, or in the eye of a raging hurricane. Soon, the colours start to blur- suffocating my eyes.

Round and around and around

When suddenly, I see a small bird- not a bird like the others with great plumage and colourful feathers, but a small one. A plain, brown one- circling slowly amidst the current of flocking eye-sores.

It's a robin.

My eyes fly open- accompanied by a loud snort- as I am rudely awoken by a sudden noise.

I'd had great fun yesterday. And after I was done with all my great fun, I had just about managed to stumble back to the hollow before flopping down, exhausted, onto my bed.
  Which is now where I lay -fairly much the same position- glaring daggers across the room at a startled Loveday, who'd had the great misfortune of stirring me from my blissful slumber.

"...Morning?!" She tried with a slight giggle.

If looks could kill.

"My- that's a dirty look!" She teases, bending down to pick up shattered pieces of the pottery bowl of which had unceremoniously disrupted my sleep.

Stupid bowl.

Eventually, I try to communicate from where I lay.

"Mehhhhhhh grrrrwwddddd"

"Kat, dearest, you know I can't understand what you're saying when you eat your bedsheets."

   My glare intensifies.

"And I wouldn't do to much of that if I were you. You know how Rodger likes to sent things...."

But as soon as I hear 'Rodger' I'm already out of there.

That badger has a serious bladder problem.

Of course when I say 'out of there', I do mean- my bed.
By rolling gracefully off it...
Straight onto my face.

Like a butterfly.

I can hear Loveday next to me, her tinkling, fairy-like laughter filling the room. It's hard not to smile, despite my current predicament, as I attempt to regain my dignity. Rolling around, desperately trying (and failing) to untangle my limbs from the seemingly infinite knot of fabrics that are my bedsheets.

Eventually, I am free and stand up to get changed- Loveday still laughing her ass off at my earlier struggle.
Smiling, I change swiftly into my normal clothes- not that I'll be going anywhere today.

To prove this statement, I fall back onto my bed- hopefully trying to go back to the dream I was having before I was brutally wrenched out of i-

-"Kat! Do you mind coming through a second?!" Loveday calls, having gone into another room.


"Coooming!" Is my response as I begrudgingly get up and across the cave, plopping down in a seat opposite Loveday in the other room. She looks up quickly, what I think is a letter, hurriedly tucked into her pocket.

I'll come back to that.

"I'm really sorry that I've been out so often lately.." She started. "It's just....something's....come up."

I frown uncertainly.
"I thought that you were going to the farmers market, whe-"

-"It's about the moon princess!" She blurts, and I look at her shocked.
Alrighty then.

Loveday had told me many times the story of the moon princess
(The unicorn and black lion and The Merryweathers and De Noirs, e.c.t...) and as far as I know, believes it fully. I never really understood her obsession with it myself- seeing it as an old bedtime story rather than fact. But I decide to say nothing about that- can't see it sitting too well with Loveday right now...

"I can't tell you much else...but I will be needing to take more trips out than usual.."

I look at her. Desperately trying to fight the smile threatening to break out onto my face. Don't get me wrong- I love her to bits....but... YES!!

I take an internal 'deep breath'.
Play it cool, Kat.

I smile sweetly.
"Don't worry, I understand." I reply as calmly as I can manage.
"This is obviously very important."

Thankfully, Loveday gives me a large, toothy grin. Smile radiating pure joy.

"Oh! You're such a good girl!" She says, and pulls me into a large hug.

He         He          He          He

A/N: Next chapter will be up soon- there's an upcoming twist I am very excited about! Don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy! 💀❤️

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