Chapter 2

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Switzerland ///

Ashton's pov

We just landed in Switzerland and this place is different. Different from Australia. I guess it wasn't that bad idea to move. Currently we are in the cab driving to our house which would be our home for the next few months. I know I said to Natalie that I'm fine and everything but I know that I'll be missing home a lot.

"I'm so excited" Natalie squealed and i smiled at her. She has always loved travelling and exploring places and that's the reason she took this job where she will be travelling a lot. I'm laid off kind of a person but i agreed to everything Natalie asked me just so she'll be with me forever. Soon we reached our destination and Natalie basically jumped off the cab before it even stopped.

"Babe be careful." I said.

"Oh my god Ash I'm loving it here. Look at our house" she said excitedly and i couldn't help but laugh at her. But then my eyes laid on the house and i was speechless. It was definately bigger than the one we had in Australia.

"I don't know how I should feel about this. Usually the guy gets the house but here my wife got it and I'm just following her like a lost puppy." I commented sarcastically even though deep inside my heart it was bothering me.

"Ashy c'mon don't say that. I love you and it's just the house. It's not like you don't earn anything. You earn more than me. It doesn't matter" she said and pecked my lips.

"Now if you allow we shall go inside and look at our new house. Shall we?" she grinned.

"After you sweetheart" I said but she froze. She didn't moved and i found her looking at something behind me.

"Boo what happened?" I asked her.

"Damn Ashton. Look at that house" she pointed across the road. When I looked at it I'm not gonna lie it was breath taking. That house was huge with a big garden and a fountain. A sports car was parked in their driveway. The garden was full of flowers and trees and it was just beautiful. It was like those huge mansions you see in magazines or in movies.

"Wow" I said which came out as a whisper.

"Let's go" Natalie held my hand and dragged me inside our house. That other house definately was amazing. I wonder who lives there.


"What will you have for dinner?" She asked me.

"Something that you can cook and which can actually be eaten" I answered her.

"Ha ha very funny" she rolled her eyes.

"Babe make anything you can and I'll gladly eat it" I said pinching her cheeks.

"Okay so I can basically make coffee, salad, cup noodles and umm..." she started thinking. "Oh yes I can even boil eggs. Do you want anything out of that?"

"Okay let's leave this and order something" I quickly cut her off before I have to eat that tasteless food.

"Sorry that I can't cook" she frowned.

"Hey it's okay. I'm here. Your wonderful husband plus part time chef" I tried to cheer her but nothing worked. Please don't get emotional now. I know where this is going and i literally wanna take a U- turn now.

"My dad never taught me how to cook because that was what moms do but unfortunately I never saw my mom because I killed her while coming to this world." She started crying. "I'm sorry. I'm such a drama queen" she wiped her tears.

I hate to see her cry. She is too emotional and sometimes I let her cry because that helps her get over her emotions that she is holding inside. She never saw her mother because she died giving birth to her and sometimes I feel that maybe that could be the reason Natalie doesn't want kids because she is too scared to leave me and her dad. But I don't say anything because somethings are better unspoken.

"You are an ugly crier" I commented after a minute.

"I can't believe you Fletcher. Your wife is crying and you are calling her ugly?" A laugh escaped her mouth.

"I'm saying the truth. Babe i don't care if you can't cook. I'm ready to starve to death if it's you I get as my reward" i said and she giggled.

"Cheesy" she commented and i kissed her cheek.

"Anyways my lady what shall we have Chinese or Thai?" I asked her going through the numbers of some nearby restaurants.

"How about Pizza?" Natalie asked.

"Sounds good cry baby"

She picked up the cushion and hit me in the face.

"Screw you. I was thinking maybe we could have some fun later at night but you literally spoiled my mood" then she started walking to the bedroom. "Call me when pizza arrives"

"Baby wait we could still have fun. C'mon Nat I'm a cry baby. Hell I'm even ugly. Look at my hair like some dog pissed on it. Listen baby. We can still have some fun you know" I whinned. Call me desperate but I'll literally do anything for some romantic time with my lady.

"You should have thought that before calling me a cry baby. Poor Ashy poo" she teased me and I could see how she was struggling to hide her laugh.

"You know you want a piece of daddy" I smirked.

"Eww. I just puked in my mouth. That was so nasty" she scoffed and pretended to vomit.

"Fine you ain't getting the last slice of pizza" I told her crossing my arms.

"Fuck you. This is getting serious now. Ashton babe I love you please let me have the last slice" she said with a puppy face while I continued to pretend angry.

"Ashy please" she continued.

"FINE but just because you are cute"


It's our second day and yes Natalie got a car from her work as well so that she will have no problem in travelling. But since she isn't interested in cars and is still snoring loudly I thought I'll just check it out myself.

I went to the garage where it was parked. I was just checking the car when I heard some kind of music playing at a distance. I listened to it carefully and i could tell someone was playing a piano. It was beautiful. I couldn't help but look around to see from where the music was coming. Wow it was so soothing that my ears were blessed. I wanted to know who was playing it. That music was like attracting me. After few seconds I realised the music of the piano was coming from the house across the road. Should I go there? I mean I just wanna see once. I'm not intruding or anything.

I noticed that the front gate, door and windows were opened. But yesterday it looked like nobody lived there. I was curious so I walked across the road and stepped on their lawn. I peeked through the window but nothing was visible so I decided to go towards the door. Now I was certain that the music was coming from inside the house. The curtains were swinging as if dancing to the tune of the piano.

I just peeked through the door careful not to enter somebody else's house. I just wanted to know the source of music. And then I saw it. I saw a girl with blonde hair playing the piano. I have to admit she was beautiful. Her hair was waving and she was swinging her body to the rythmn of the music. She moved her hips and then her head and still managed to play the instrument. I couldn't help but stare at her. That music was beautiful as well as the one playing it. I kept on looking at her as if her music was calling me.

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and I froze instantly.


I know the chapters are short but they will get long. I hope you are liking it. And if not well then I would like to thank you for giving it a try.

The Stranger - Ashton Irwin/ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now