chapter 10

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Nobody's pov

Inspite of police running behind him and trying to catch him Ashton was successful in escaping them. Now all he had to do is hide and wait for the perfect moment. He cannot afford to commit a mistake and let go of his only chance.

On the other hand Niall was now sure there was something fishy. He wanted to share his thoughts with someone. Since his wife Zoe refuse to believe him he had only person and that was Harry.

"Hey Harry I wanna talk to you" Niall said walking towards Harry's garden where he was watering his plants.

"What's up?" Harry asked.

"Harry I'm sure that day I saw one person leaving and two person returning back" Niall replied.

"What? How can you say that?" He asked.

"That night I couldn't sleep so I was at my window though I wasn't wearing my glasses" Niall said but Harry cut him off.

"Niall you weren't wearing you glasses. You were probably dreaming or something" Harry spoke.

"Shut up. I'm not blind that I can't see a thing without my glasses. Yeah I admit I couldn't see their face but I surely can say that whatever was said in the court is not entirely true" Niall told him.

"So what are you saying?" Harry asked.

"It wasn't just a murder. I think it was a planned murder" Niall said. They were interrupted when they saw police cars approaching.

"Hey act cool right now." Harry told Niall.

The cars stopped and from one of them Michael stepped out with a police officer following him. Natalie who was at her window saw Michael outside and ran to him.

"Michael" she shouted. "Where is he?" She asked shaking.

"We don't know. He successfully ditched the cops. They couldn't find him but they think that he will most probably come to you. He will try to contact you so police will be here in case he comes back" Michael told her.
A tear slipped down Natalie's cheek. She just wanted Ashton back.

"Natalie he did a big mistake by escaping. If he doesn't surrender himself and admit his crime I'm afraid that he will get killed in the police encounter" he said and Natalie started crying.

"This can't be happening. I can't believe this" she cried. "Please come back Ashton"


Later that evening Natalie decided to go to church. She wanted to clear her mind. It's been 3 days and there were no signs of Ashton. Her life has turned upside down. Her husband is a wanted criminal. The police is searching for him all day and night. Natalie wanted to take a break and go to the church.

She went to the nearest church and sat in the front. It was empty. She closed her eyes praying for everything to stop. She wanted her husband back, she wanted her friend Andrea back. He wanted that old friendship between Michael and Ashton back. All the old memories from the day Ashton propsed to her for marriage then the day they shifted and met Michael and Andrea and then when they went to Mauritius filled her heart. She didn't knew those were the last happy moments the four of them were spending. She wiped her tear before it could roll down. Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder and she froze. She slowly turned around to find him standing.


He was looking exhausted and his clothes were little torn. His hair was a mess and he had some bruises.

"Natalie I need to talk to you" he said. Natalie ignored him and started walking out.

"Leave me alone Ashton" she spat. But Ashton didn't let her to. He grabbed her arm and turned her towards him.

The Stranger - Ashton Irwin/ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now