chapter 12

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Ashton's pov


The girl for whose murder I have been charged for is standing in front of me enjoying and dancing. I was still processing everything when Andrea noticed me. She saw me and within minutes started running away from me. Fuck Michael. Andrea is more important to catch. I ran behind her. She went out of the bar and I followed her. She was walking quickly clearly wanting me to loose her. She went outside to the deck when I grabbed her wrist and turned her to face me.

"The police is running after me for your murder and here you are healthy and alive" I hissed.

"Please Ashton let me go" Andrea begged me.

"You wish bitch. Now tell me what is your plan? Who did Michael kill if you are alive?" I asked her anger boiling inside.

"Ask me. Why are you asking her?" a voice interupted and then Michael appeared. "Come with me and I'll tell you everything in detail" he said.

I didn't let Andrea go and followed Michael while dragging her with me. He made two drinks.

"You did a good thing coming here. In a short while the ship will cross the boundary of Switzerland and then the Swiss authority can't do anything to me or you. Here take this" he offered me a glass of wine.

"Opps I forgot you loose control after drinking and to understand my plan it's very important for you to be in control" he smirked. I decided to stay quite. "So you wanted to know who was the dead girl if Andrea Clifford is actually alive?" He said pointing at Andrea who was smiling widely. The three of us were sitting and I was running out of patience. I wanna kill them both.

"You must be thinking if she is alive then who was killed that day. Well Ashton that was actually Andrea Clifford." He told me and I was confused. What the fuck is he saying. She is sitting with us very well alive.

"What?" I asked him.

"The dead girl was Andrea only. This is my girlfriend Sophia" he said pointing at Andrea. I mean Sophia. What the hell.

"And this Michael Clifford who you consider as a millionaire is not actually a millionaire. Few months back I was a guitarist playing in a small bar in Geneva. I used to play guitar and Sophia was a stripper there. Do you even know how it feels to see the love of your life being touched by other men? In front of my eyes I used to see them touching Sophia and I couldn't do a thing" Michael said and I was in no state of being sympathetic towards him.


Michael's pov

I saw them touching her and giving her money. All i can do is stand in the corner play this guitar while she dances and strips for other men. I can't fucking take this. I don't want our future to be like this. When her shift got over she went to the locker room to change and I followed her.

"Sophia I can't see this anymore. I dont like when those men touch you for their pleasure. You will not do this job again. Leave this please" I said.

"Leave this? If I leave this then how will I earn? Who will give me money?" She asked me.

"I will give you. I will do everything for you but I just can't tolerate you getting touched by those filthy pigs. I'll fulfill all your needs. I love you Sophia. I love you so fucking much." I shouted and grabbed her arm.

"I love you too Michael but my aim is not just to live. I want to enjoy life just like rich people and go places and travel and by you playing your guitar in a small bar will never fulfill all this" she replied.

The Stranger - Ashton Irwin/ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now