Chapter 13

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Nobody's pov

The room was on second floor. Michael couldn't believe that Ashton hacked his account and transfered all the money back to the insurance company. Not only money Ashton recorded his plan and now Michael is doomed. Without thinking twice Michael picked the computer and threw on Ashton but he ducked. He grabbed his collar and started punching him. Ashton kicked him in his stomach and Michael stumbled back. He then lifted his head and smacked his head on the nearby table. Michael's forehead was bleeding but all he wanted was to kill Ashton right now. He grabbed his collar and pushed him on the glass table causing it to shatter.

"Michael stop it" Sophie shouted but none of them stopped. She was scared that one might get killed. Michael picked up a vase and threw it on Ashton. It broke and a piece went inside his shoulder. Ashton cried in pain.

"I will fucking kill you and this time I don't even care if I go to jail" Michael spat. Ashton regained himself and went to kick Michael when suddenly he moved and Ashton accidently kicked Andrea. She was standing near the window and since Ashton kicked with full force Sophia fell down from the window. She hit the railing and cracked her backbone and fell on the ground from the second floor.

"SOPHIAAAA...!!!" Michael shouted and ran outside the room.

When he reached at the bottom he saw Sophia's lifeless body with broken backbone and blood covering her face. He cupped her face and kissed her for the last time.

"No Sophia. You can't leave me. Baby wake up please" he cried and started shaking her but Sophia was dead. Meanwhile Ashton followed him and Calum also came to the scene. Michael wiped his tears and looked at Ashton without any emotion.

"You killed her" he said taking a step towards him. However Calum interrupted him.

"Stop Michael" he warned him pulling his gun out. But Michael didn't stopped.

"You killed Sophia" he shouted and was about to jump on Ashton when Calum came in between to stop him. In that process Michael snatched the gun from Calum's hands and pulled the trigger. He shot Calum twice.

"NOO..!!" Ashton shouted but Michael shot him too.

"Have fun in hell" He smirked. Suddenly Natalie came running with a Navy officer. She saw Sophia and Calum's lifeless bodies and then she looked at Michael staring her.

"Where is Ashton?" She muttered. Michael pulled the trigger and killed the navy officer. He then pointed his gun at Natalie.

"Don't worry I'll send you with him" he smirked.

"No Michael don't do that" she begged him.

"Your husband killed my Sophia. I did everything for her and in the end that bloody bastard took her away from me. I have already sent him to hell and now it's time for you to join him" before he could finish his sentence Natalie ran off.

Michael ran after her. He fired a bullet at her but it missed. She ran to the basement of the ship. She was scared and shaking. She wanted Ashton right now but Michael has already killed him. Natalie was running when she reached a dead end. She turned back to find Michael approaching her. He pointed his gun at her.

"Goodbye Natalie" he smiled and pulled the trigger but nothing came out. The bullets were finished. "Fuck" he muttered. Natalie pushed him and ran again. This time she ran inside the engine room. Meanwhile Michael picked up an axe and ran behind her.

"Run as much as you want but nobody will save you today from me" he shouted entering the engine room. Natalie was hiding behind the two big tanks.

"Ashton I need you" Natalie whispered. Her tears refused to stop. She was scared. She didnt wanted to end everything like this.

"Gotcha" Michael interrupted her thoughts and pulled her by hair. He dragged her to the back of the ship and tied her by a pole.

"Now run bitch" he spat at her.

"Please Michael leave me. I didn't do anything" she begged.

"Oh poor Natalie you didn't do anything but your husband did. Since he is already dead why not I kill you by torturing you. That way I'll take revenge from him for killing Sophia" he spoke.

"No Michael. Please don't do that" she was crying.

"Lets start with chopping your arm first" he smirked.

"You are a physco" Natalie shouted. Michael picked up his axe and was about to hit Natalie when he was kicked hard on the stomach causing the axe to fall out of his hands.

"Ashton" Natalie shouted. Ashton ran to her and untied her quickly. Michael picked up the axe again and was about to hit Ashton from the back when two gunshots were heard. Natalie and Ashton turned around to find Michael laying on the ground in his pool of blood and at a distance was standing Calum with a gun in his hand. He shot Michael in his head twice.

"Calum..!!" Natalie ran to him and hugged him. "Thank you thank you thank you. Oh my god you are alive"

"But I saw you getting shot by him" Ashton said.

"I always wear bullet proof vest inside" Calum winked. "How did you survive?"

"The bullet didn't hit me. He thought it did" Ashton replied. Natalie hugged Ashton.

"I don't know what would have happened to me if that bullet hit you" she cried.

"Don't cry baby. It's over. Everything is over" He kissed her forehead. He then looked at Michael's dead body. Everything was finally over.

"Hey Ashton. Sorry to interupt your moment but I would like to thank you for helping us catch him. Michael was a very dangerous criminal. So thank you and I'll be your witness and give my statement in the court. You'll be free to go" Calum told him.

"Thanks Calum" He replied.

"I'll go make some calls" Calum said and walked away.

"I can't believe this nightmare is over. Thank god" Natalie whispered lying in Ashton's arms.

"Me too. No more Michael. No more Andrea or Sophia whoever she was. I cannot be more happier right now." Ashton replied.

"Well there is one thing that can make you more happy" Natalie spoke. Ashton looked at her. Natalie grabbed his hand and placed it on her tummy.

"Say hello to your daddy pumpkin" she whispered in a baby voice. Ashton's eyes went wide.

"W-what?" He looked at her with glossy eyes.

"Congratualtions Mr. Irwin you're gonna be a dad" She smiled at him.

"No fucking way. Oh my god." He hugged her tight. "Thank you babe. I love you so much" he kissed her.

"I love you more" Natalie replied.


A/N- it's over and Thank you for reading. I'm sorry for killing Michael but it had to end that way. I hope you enjoyed. If you have any question or something isn't clear you can comment 😊

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