chapter 8

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Ashton's pov

It's been 2 days and it feels like iternity. I'm sitting in this cell for 2 fucking days for a crime that I didn't even committed. I'm probably smelling since I haven't had a shower in two days and I'm still wearing the clothes from Michael's birthday.


I have so many questions regarding him. Why is he doing all this? I didn't killed Andrea but without thinking twice he blamed me for everything. I wanna go home. I wanna go back to Natalie. I miss her. I wonder how she is doing without me. I cannot see any more tears in her eyes. But I can't give up. Definately not. Why the hell I should get punishment for something I haven't done? I probably look like trash right now and my beard has started growing back. But I know this will be the last day I'm staying here because today I have my first hearing in court and I'm pretty sure I will be proved innocent since I haven't committed the crime of murdering Andrea.

My thoughts were interrupted with the sound of someone's footsteps and soon a police officer came into my sight. He walked towards my cell.

"There's a visitor for you" he said and unlocked my prison door. I wish it's Natalie. I miss her so much and I have to tell her everything. I need her to believe me.

I reached the place where I was suppose to meet my visitor. Unfortunately there was a glass wall separating us so I couldn't hug Natalie even if I had a chance to. But sadness filled my heart once I saw it wasn't Natalie.

It was Michael.

He was looking better than the best. He was clean shaved and his hair was short. He was looking clean and fresh. I noticed he was wearing a tuxedo just like some billionaire and here I was looking like shit. I wanted to grab his collar and punch him hard but I couldn't do anything.

"Hello Ashton" he said in a calm voice. We two were alone at the moment and we had 10 minutes maximum as the police officer informed.

"Come straight to the point Michael. Why did you do that? Why did you made me look like a culprit?" I asked him anger boiling inside me. A small laugh escaped his mouth and I was struggling not to chop off his dick right now.

"Oh c'mon Ashton. There has been a murder so obviously there's gotta be a murderer. Someone has to take the blame" he smirked.

"Fuck you Michael. You know very well I didn't killed her. You know i have a wife. She needs me. How could you do that to me?" I shouted angrily. But his smirk never left his face.

"Don't worry about Natalie. I'll take good care of her" he said cockily.

"I'll kill you bastard if you touch her" I spat. I regret giving him second chance I regret being his friend again. I regret that moment when I met him.

"Shhh.. I won't do a thing to her if you do what I ask you to. See Ashton you are badly trapped now so you will most definately get death sentence today at the hearing. Why don't you just admit that you actually killed Andrea and I promise I'll plea in court to reduce your punishment to 15 years. And don't worry about Natalie I'll make sure to send her 1 million dollar every year" he gave a devilish smile. "Think about it Ashton 1 million dollar every year. She will live in peace and comfort"

"I'll fucking kill you" I groaned loudly.

"Everything is planned my friend. You don't have much time left. Tick tock" he took a step back. "Me and Natalie will see you later in the court" he winked and turned away leaving me alone with my thoughts.


Okay short chapter I know but I wanted to save the next part for a new chapter. Next chap gonna be long and hopefully intresting 😉

And it's a short story so it will get over soon.

The Stranger - Ashton Irwin/ Michael CliffordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora