Chapter Twenty-Two

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Katie strolled out of school a few days later and headed for home. Today Paul wasn't picking her up, he had other things apparently he needed to take care of. Katie had had a hard time with Paul over the past couple of weeks. He didn't understand, didn't want to understand, and this turned into two major arguments. Katie needed space, she decided.

She kept walking, deep in thought. Katie was angry at Paul for applying pressure on her to keep the baby; he should listen more to her. Instead, he just thought about himself and used a subtle form of pressure to push his own point of view. The more she chewed it over, the more fed up she became. There was no doubt about it in Katie's mind: Paul was way too dominant, controlling and she didn't like it. She couldn't be more 'off' Paul than right now.

She felt a presence behind her, and a tug on her arm to stop her. 

Sparky crowded her with his broad frame. 'Hey, Katie girl, not so fast.'

Katie squared up to him but felt herself pushed back. She stepped backwards into the trunk of a tree. 

'What's the hurry?' He had put his arm on the tree at Katie's shoulder height to prevent her moving that way. 'I hear you don't have a boyfriend any more.'

Katie felt tired, and emotional after the last two weeks arguing with Paul. She replied, 'non of your business.'

'Well, you see, it's like this. I fancy you, we kissed at your party, we had something goin', didn't we.' Katie registered this as a statement, not a question.

She shook her head and couldn't, at that moment, think of anything to say. She looked for an escape but his arm blocked one way and a closely parked car blocked the other way. 

Katie could see why he was popular with the girls; he had a sort of barrow-boy, east end look, rough, tough and no finesse. Completely the opposite to Paul. With a few drinks inside her at the party, Katie had let his unsophisticated charms get hold of her. And so they had snogged.

Right now, Katie didn't have the strength to have this confrontation. He leaned in and kissed her. She kept her lips shut, but his crudeness had a vague appeal, the appeal of a lion wanting his meat, somehow intoxicating at this minute and completely different to Paul. She thought, let Sparky have this, just once, and then he'll be gone.

Sparky spoke into her lips, 'I know you like this. And I know you liked my hand up your knickers . . . '

'That's not true . . .'

He planted another kiss. Katie felt the hardness of it, took a breath and slightly parted her lips. He took advantage and Katie found herself giving in, opened her mouth, let him in, felt his course hunger. His hand snaked up her skirt to hold her bum cheeks, and Katie experienced the same desire that Paul turned on in her. She quickly pulled her head back, felt the guilt rush but liked where Sparky's hand was, and managed to speak in a hoarse whisper, 'if you don't let me go now, I'm going to scream. And I mean it.'


The following week Paul's mobile rang. He looked at the screen and said in surprise, 'hello Rachel, how are you?'

'Hi Paul. I know you and Katie have got problems. I want to tell you something.'

'Is Katie alright?' 

'Well, it's not about the pregnancy. A boy at school has been coming on heavy with her. I know she's having a problem with him, trying to stop the constant hassle.'

'Was he one of the boys at her party last month?'

Yup. Name of Sparky. A right big-head.'

'And Katie definitely wants nothing to do with him.'

'No way. He wont leave her alone. And she's not the sort of person to complain to the Head.' 

Paul thought for a few seconds. 'Can you get for me this guy's address?'

'Don't think I can get that.'

Follow him home. And give me a description of this Sparky.'

He thought about Katie again. They hadn't seen each other for a couple of weeks so he wasn't aware of her problems.

Three days later Paul had the details. He tried to remember the name of a man he had helped, about a year and a half ago. It was one of those odd moments. Paul had been sitting in a pub just behind Harrods, in Knightsbridge. He had been to see his bank manager and had agreed a mortgage from the bank to buy his studio house off Eaton Square. Paul sat by himself until this couple came over and asked if the other two seats at his table were free. The couple were like chalk and cheese. He was built like a brick wall and she was a petite young woman. They got talking.

It turned out they wanted to buy a flat but couldn't get a mortgage.

'Why?' asked Paul. 'Why can't you get a mortgage?'

'These bankers don't like my form. I got stitched up. Spent some time waiting for my trial, the case got dropped 'cos of mistaken identity. I was totally innocent. The police didn't like me 'cos of my size.'

The man opposite Paul was at least six foot six inches with a crew cut and a ring in his ear. 

'Do you work?' said Paul.

'I lay paving stones for the local council.'

His wife showed me a scrap book in which they had photos of their life together. Stuck down photos with notes here and there. She was incredibly good looking, articulate and her accent indicated she had been educated at a private school. He, on the other hand, was so ugly that Paul at first didn't feel safe. But their interesting story won him over.'

Paul made a call to the bank manager he had seen one hour previously and said Paul was coming in with a candidate for a mortgage. 

They walked out the pub. For Paul it was one of those walks he will never forget. He lead the way, the others followed. Pedestrians in smart Knightsbridge made way for this huge man, stood back, faltered, looked, gaped, as Paul took this couple along the pavement to his bank. He introduced them to the manager and they all sat down. 

It seemed a long time ago. Paul now remembered his name and scrolled through his phone contacts.

'Hello Bill . . .'

'That's Paul, isn't it? Recognise your voice anywhere.'

They exchanged pleasantries. Bill said, 'you know, Paul, it was only 'cos of you that we got the mortgage. I told you at the time, if there was anything I could do for you, just let me know.'


Two days later a boy name Sparky nonchalantly walked down the road on his way to school. The pavement had trees planted at regular intervals, a couple of birds were chirping away. It was a grey morning, cold and damp. Fifty yards in front, a man leaned against a dustbin talking to another man who was sitting down. The second man stood up just as Sparky came level with them. Sparky just had time to register the size of the man before he was pushed against the wall by this gorilla. 

A short one-way conversation took place.

'Listen, son.' Sparky's throat was held so he couldn't speak. 'Listen good. You keep away from Katie. Never touch her again.' The big man put his ugly face down close to Spark's contorted mouth. 'And if I get any more reports,' he paused to make sure Sparky was listening, 'I'll pull off your balls like two plums off a tree.' 

The big man clamped a huge hand over Spark's groin and applied a vice grip.

The other man leaning against the dustbin lit a cigarette and eyed up and down the pavement.

The incident took less than thirty seconds and the two men were gone, disappeared round a corner, leaving Sparky to lose some strength and hold onto the wall for several minutes to recover from the ache in his groin.

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