will you marry me #3

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Genos pov

"I can't belive your making me wear a flippin suit."

"Hey at least you don't have to wear a dress."

"Honestly I think your enjoying the dress."

".....what if I am? "

"Then it's a possiblity I can get you in one more often."

"Oh hell naw"

Me and reaper we're talking but there was a wall separating us. Not a very good one but a wall none the less. He couldn't see me and I couldn't see him. We sent out and invite to the wedding about a month ago. Yea it's been that long sense reaper proposed and we started planing the wedding. And now we're here. Wedding day. Me in a very floofy white wedding dress. And reaper wasn't wrong to say I was enjoying it cuz I was. It was comfortable. I still like my jacket and. My gym shorts better but this wasn't bad. 

The never ending stream of blood didn't seem to seep into the dress so there was no blood to be seen

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The never ending stream of blood didn't seem to seep into the dress so there was no blood to be seen. Which was nice cuz I really like this dress... Now I'd like to see reaper in a dress. But getting him in one would be interesting.

"Hey the ceremonys about to start. I have to go out there and see the others. See you soon?"

"Heh yea. See ya soon"

Reaper left me alone a swap burst through the door. He was wearing a baby blue suit.

"You look amazing! But final touches need to be made."

"Like what?"

"Your dress need to be fixed for one plus we need pictures."


"Ya know set in place so it's perfect when you walk."

Blue started to go around d the bottom of the dress placing it here floofing it up there when he stood back up it actually looked better than what the other person did.

"Good job swap. You should probably go join the others."

"Aww ok. Also WD's here. He wants pictures. Ink's volunteered to walk you down to reaper."

"Ok thanks blue."

Here we go. 20 minutes till i'm married to reaper. I walked outside the room and found ink.

"By god. Geno I think you take first for looking good in a wedding dress."

"Heh you think?"

"I know. Now get in the line. Ceremonys about to start."

We got in the lines and the music started up. The people in front started walking till it got to us. When we started walking I swear I saw reaper get a little jealous cuz he wasn't next to me but was also surprised at me in a dress. I got up and stood next to him. Dream was the 'priest' and was certifyed in marrying people. Why anyone needs that skill is beyond me but hey i'm grateful for it now! He started talking. He got to the part for vows and me and reaper both said ours. Dream shut the book. Looked at us and said

"The heck ya waiting for then?  Kiss! "

Reaper grabbed me and kissed me and I kissed back. people started clapping. I could hear ink and swap squealing.  We broke away and looked around. A lot of people came...

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