crossmare. the first I think.

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DO NOT QUESTION THE PHYSICS OF THIS STORY. Or any of my stories for that matter. Please. Also mention of the ship Horrordust. I do kinda ship it so whatever. This is only the beginning of a big update.

Crosses pov

The door slammed open and a pissed nightmare walked in. When nightmare was pissed he got a bit abusive and sense I was the closest one near him, I got to be the subject he took his anger out on. One of nightmares tenticles wrapped around my neck and threw me against the wall. My head bounced of it, cracking a bit. It hurt like a bitch, but the pain soon faded. Not before the next blow though. Once again I found myself held up by my neck and slammed on the floor. This only increased the cracks on my head. The others had already left the room. I don't blame them. I don't necessarily enjoy being on the receiving end of this punishment, but it seems that I normally am. After a few more hits like that, plus a few stab wounds, nightmare just stood there looking at me. My vision was starting to go black from loss of Blood and pain and I was blinking, trying to get my vision back, it wasn't working so well and eventually I saw nightmare smile, mutter a few words and walk off. Soon after that I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

Dusts pov

We did feel bad for leaving cross to nightmares mercy. It's not like we're complete animals, but the moment nightmare got ahold of cross there was no helping him. Not to mention the rest of us would rather keep the damage to ourselves minimal. The others had gone back to there rooms. I stayed behind and waited for nightmare to get done with crosses beating. It was a thing me and him did. The others would probably let us bleed to death (or something like that) but me and cross made a pact, (don't know why, but it comes in handy alot) and I'm gonna stick to that. I was watching through a crack in the door. We were currently staying in a broken AU's MTT resort. I saw nightmare leave the room, and as soon as it was clear I went in to find where cross had landed. Looks like nightmare left him in a corner. Bleeding. Alot.

"Shit, cross. He did quite a number on you... why don't you ever fight back?"

Cross didn't answer so I just assumed he was unconsious. I picked him up and teleported back to my room, my question still in my head. And for some reason? I think someone actually heard it.

Crosses pov

My eyes opened and I found myself in my room. I hurt alot, but it seems like my wounds had been taken care off. I'll have to thank dust later. I saw cross chara appear. They looked pissed.



"Your an idiot."

"How so?"

"You didn't even fight back against nightmare!"

"I saw no reason to."

"No reason? No reason?! God damn! I knew you were dumb, but not this dumb. He was boucing you off walls, and stabbed you three times. And you saw no reason to fight back?!"

"It's my body. I'll do what I want with it."

"Even if it gets you killed?! And don't you forget that's my body to."

"Eh. I don't really care much for you, and if it gets me killed, then so be it."

"Ugh. Dust is gonna be here soon. Maybe you can tell him the real reason as to why you won't fight back. After all. He asked."

Chara dissappeared and soon after dust knocked on the door. As for the answer to chara's question. I don't know why I don't fight back. I just..... don't.


"Get in here dust. The doors unlocked."

Dust opened the door. He was so much diffrent when he wasn't trying to kill someone or something. Tame, compared to the crazy LV seeking character most people thought he was.

Sancest one-shots. [NOT TAKING REQUESTS]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant