Werewolf!Geno x Human reaper.

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Everyone looks human in this.

Reaper's POV

So Highschool right? Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Literally all of you just groaned and thought of hell. Well I thought Highschool was hell to. Until it was confirmed it the coolest, and most terrifying way possible. Then I knew it was hell. Well, more like we lived in hell. And the person to show me this reality was none other than my werewolf boyfriend. Yeah you heard me right. Werewolf. Boyfriend. And I'm not talking about transform at the full moon. He can transfer at will. Ugh, let me just start at the start of this week. When I was still single, and my school just got a transfer student.

I was walking towards my first hour class like normal. Hood up over head, earbuds in ears, listening to really loud music trying to ignore everything around me. I walked into my class and set my bag down by my normal spot close to the back of the room. I noticed the teacher had set out a new desk next to mine. Well, that made the room more symmetrical, it also meant that whatever new kid had to sit next to me. I flopped down in my seat, but not long after one of my friends in the class came a slammed his hands down on the front of the desk. I pulled out my earbuds and looked up at the person. It was ink. He obviously came from the art room because the smell of paint was all over him and he had a fresh blue stain on his shirt. His rainbow tipped hair was quite the contrast to my all black pants and sweater. My blue eyes met his odd colored ones.

"Hi Ink."

"Heya Reap. How was the weekend? Get a crush yet?"

"My weekend was fine, and we both know that the likeliness of me finding a boyfriend or even a crush is nonexistent. I'm a hopeless cause."

"Aww damn. I was hoping you'd finally stop being so lonely."

"Says the one with a crush on the school hottie, but refuses to go talk to him. Not to mention he's kind of an ass."

"Shush. I'm good at helping my friends love life. My own is something different."

"Seriously. Just go talk to him. He's not that scary. Besides, Maybe he's truly a giant nerd that's good at sports."

"Heh, no. I doubt he is. Anyway, Blue, Dream, both sets of twins and I were thinking about hanging out after school today. Wanna go with?"

"I'm going to assume by both sets of twins you mean Ganz, Mel, Sensy and Senkiller?"

"Yep. We tried to convince Nightmare to go but he was being difficult. Dreams gonna try and talk him into it to."

"What about Cross?"

"I'll ask him next period. Haven't seen him yet."

"Cool. I see if I feel like it by the end of the day."

"Anyway, seen the new kid yet?"

"Nah, but considering the new desk right there I will soon."

"You might like him- "

"Don't count on it."

"He's not like all of the other new kids! He's quiet. Also, I think one of his eyes is fake. It's all discolored and stuff."

"Oh fun. Then if he's quiet he won't make noise. And other then the discoloration, why do you think he's got a fake eye?"

"Well, Mostly the discoloration between the reds, but he could have odd eyes like me. Also, he also looks to his right rather than just shifting his eyes, but he doesn't with his left."

"Wait wait- His eyes are red?"

"And his hair is white with red tips!"

"So, he sticks out."

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