kustard aka classicfell aka fuck life right now.

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Wtf is this?! Whatever it is its finally done! 12:00 at night and it's done! Welp goodnight. For like a week.

Fell's pov

I slammed the front door shut and walked off. My brother pissed me off, and hitting him was a really bad idea. He'd probably leave me broken and half-dead. The gold fluff on my jacket stuck up like fur. People gave me weird looks. I bumped into someone, and they told me to watch where i was going. I just growled. A little while later I found myself in a park by the local hospital. I sat down and tried to calm down.

"Well. I guess I'm not going home tonight. I'll have to find a place to sleep."

"You need a place to sleep?"

I looked up a saw another skeleton like myself. He was possibly the cutest person I had ever seen.

"Hello? You alright there?"

"Huh? Oh ah, I uh I think i'm good."

"You sure?"

"Ahh yea. I'm good."


The skele took out a small peice of paper and scribbled out his address. I took it. It was only two down from mine.

"Well if you do need something. Me and my brother can help."

"T-thanks, but why do you wanna help?"

"... well I'm a doctor and I like helping people, and well... I've seen some of the ways you walk out of your house. I've wanted to help, but you seemed pissed enough to kill...."

"Oh.... Do you work at the hospital right over there?"

"Yea. I just got off my shift. Though speaking of hospitals and getting hurt, your not hurt are ya? I don't want anything getting worse."

"I think I'm okay. Physically. Don't know about mentally or emotionally."

"Heh, I could say the same sometimes. Well anyway, I'm gonna start walking again. You sure you don't wanna come with?"

"Well, on second thought, I think I will go. But don't think I owe you any favors or nothin."

"Wouldn't dream of it. By the way, the names Sans, but by most i'm called Classic."

"I'm fell."

I got up and started walking with him. By the time we got to the front of my place, I didn't even notice I was there. Then I heard something break. My head snapped toward the house. Classic was looking at me with a worried stare.

"You alright there fell?"

"Y-yea.... just wondering what he broke...."

Classic grabbed my hand and started pulling me away.

"You can find out tomorrow. After you sleep and had something to eat."


"Yea. Paps probably made spaghetti, though there's chips and other food around. And don't critize his cooking. He's still learning."


Classics house wasn't bad. He was really lazy when he got home. If I was lazy when I was at home I would probably get beat. Papyrus made spaghetti. It wasn't bad, actually. Could use some diffrent sauce, and the noodles could be cooked a tich longer, but they were good. And it was food. I didn't realize how hungry I was. Course I have been ignoring my hunger for awhile. I remember classic tell me to slow down, papyrus gave me a worried look. Sans said he had to go upstairs for a second.

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