Chapter11: coated strings

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I could realize that all my heart is shattered to pieces . I don't understand this certain person , even if I see them everyday or certainly  weekdays. I hate the feeling of being left out and betrayed and knowing that the person who I know most can backstab me for daily day. Do I really know what that person is trying to hit me or just using me for I am different compared to other people....

I get up from my seat lay in my bed. "Samantha? Are you awake ? It's me Jimin." I looked up from the door and him , his face was so puffy it looked more like a dog. I rolled my eyes Turing to say 'yes I am awake' but I feel lazy.

" we need to talk." He grab my wrist and Bring me to the door step . I sighed leading Jimin the way.

He  came through the creep  just as I  rushed in to find him. "Hey, I was coming  for you." He held up a tiny strip of paper. "I got your feelings." He smiled.

His smile came off so warm, that if I  wasn't so furious, and disgusted, I myself  could have gotten lost in it.

"Yeah, I know. I heard." I  squinted at him in disapproval.

Jimin just  studied me  and then cautiously added, "I thought we'd take a walk. I found a great spot when I went grocery  yesterday."

"Look, I'm flattered but you can't do this, Jimin ," I  snapped.

"Do what?" A frown replaced his smile.

"I know what you did. And I can't let you do that."

"It's nothing." He started walking away from the flower of red , and then looked back at me when I  didn't follow. "You coming?"

"It's blood," I  seethed, and closed the two steps separating them and grabbed him by the forearm. "Come on, I'm gonna make this right." I  gave him a tug, but he didn't budge.

That's when I  noticed how solid his arm felt under my hand. He leaned in. "It's done, Samantha . Let's just go spend our hour together, okay?" His scent-a combination of spicy men's soap and Jimin-wafted over her.

"You've already ... done it?" Her gaze shot to his neck.

"No, but the deal's done."

"I'l undo it," I  said, trying to ignore his scent and how much I  liked it ... and how much she hated him. Realizing I  stil held his arms, I  let go. Touching him caused myself  to recal how I  used to touch teddy bears.Jimin's frown tightened. "You can't undo it. So just come on. Please."

I  stood there staring at him. "At least let me try."

He closed his eyes for a second, and then he lowered his head closer and whispered, "Please trust me on this, Samantha . There is nothing you can do to change it."

Something about his voice seemed to reach deep inside me and scramble my thoughts. Or perhaps it was how his breath whispered against my jaw line, the soft, sweet tickle right below the  ear that made it impossible to think.

Impossible to tel him no.

"Okay." But even as if  cratered to his wishes,  telling  myself that I had to be careful. Jimin , for whatever reasons, had some kind of power over me and that could be dangerous.

His black and brown  eyes focused right on my  pupils  and he smiled again. "Let's go."

He held out his hand. I  almost took it, but managed to refrain at the last second.

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