Chapter22:your mine

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He smiled, that very human mouth under the curved bone of the jaw , the  lips. It was like part of his face was perfect, and underneath was just  Jimin

I  ran my fingers through his still-wet hair. "Good morning " jimin said. His looks are the best views with is white t shirt and shorts.

His revealing thighs and abs see through the short. He is so hot to imagine  that he is mine.

I'd have never taken time for a shower otherwise, and Jimin  knew that. "So taehyung  told me." Jimin sat up so that He wasn't soaking my shirt with my hair.

"Didn't mean to get you wet. Just forgot. Sorry."

He pressed my head, gently, back to his chest with a hand as big as my head. "I was not complaining, just remarking."

I settled back against him, my cheek resting on his upper arm.

"Didn't taehyung left just after we arrived. Did he go for help?"

I explained about v and his newfound skin.

"You didn't know you could say jams to him?" Uther asked.


"Interesting," he said. "Very interesting."

I looked up at him. "Do you know something I don't about what happened?"

He gazed down at me, small eyes almost lost in his face. "I know that taehyung is a fool."

That made me stare at him, searching his face, trying to read what lay behind those eyes. "He's a bangtan trouble maker, and I've given him back the bubbles. It's his calling, his heart of hearts."

"You're not angry with him?"

I frowned, shrugging awkwardly in his arms. "Taehyung is what he is. I can't blame him for that. It would be like yelling at the rain for being wet. It just is."

"So it does not bother you, at all?"

I shrugged again, and his arms settled around me, cradling me almost like a baby, so I could gaze up at him more comfortably. "I'll admit to being disappointed, but not surprised."

"Very understanding."

"I might as well be understanding, Uther-I can't change things." I rubbed my cheek against the warmth of his arm and realized what part of Jimin's charm was.

He was so large and I was so small, it was like being a child again.

That feeling that if someone could hold you in their arms completely, nothing could hurt you.

It hadn't been true when I believed it as a very little girl, and it certainly wasn't true now, but it was still nice. Sometimes false comfort is better than no comfort at all.

"Yah," Jungkook said, raising his voice for our benefit.

I rolled my head back against Jimin's arm to see Jungkook . "Let me guess, everyone else is trying to exit here, too."

"Of course," he said. "Settle in. It's going to take a while."

I moved my head so I was looking up at Jimin again. "Heard any good jokes lately?"

He gave a small smile. "No, but my legs are going to fall asleep if I must keep them tucked under like this for long."

"Sorry." I started to move away so he could adjust.

"No need to move." He put one arm under my leg, kept the other arm behind my back, and picked me up.

He held me like a baby, effortlessly, while he straightened his legs out in front of him. He settled me onto the ground , one arm behind my back, the other lying loosely across my legs and his.

I laughed. "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be... big."

"And I wonder what it would be like to be small."

"But you were a child once. You remember what that was like."

He gazed into the distance. "Childhood was a very long time ago for me, but yes, I do remember. But that is not the kind of small that I mean." He looked down at me, and there was something in his eyes, something lonely, needy.

Something that pierced that calmness in him that I valued so much.

"What's wrong, chim chim?" My voice was soft.

There was something very private about us being back there alone with no one in the middle seats.

The surprise must have shone on my face, because he turned his face away from me. "I'm sorry, Samantha . If this is completely unwelcome, tell me so, and I will never mention it again."

I didn't know what to say, but I tried. "It's not that, Jimin . I'm about to get on a plane and go Goddess knows where.

We may never see each other again." Which was partially true. I mean, I was leaving him .

I couldn't think of any way to finish this in this short drive without hurting his feelings or lying to him. I wanted to avoid both.

I came down with a very snobbish V in front of me. His hair still wet from his shower and his perfume really has that aura. "So are you really" he gently coughed. "Are you really Jimin's girlfriend? " he asked. I nodded and blushed .

He moved forward placing his lip to my right ear. " I know who you are." He said and giggled .

He stood up bending his hand to my hair and kissed the tip of hair strands.
"Your in my list." He smirked and walked away.

I looked at him walk . Step by step the world changed again.

"You smell good" a voice that I notice whispered in my left ear. I let a small sigh and realize it's my Jagiya.

"Of course I smell good ! I showered !" I laughed .

"Then can I eat you up!" He snakes his hands to my waist and hugged me. I let go of his hug and ran away from him.

"Oh~ let me eat you!" He said while getting to my pace .

I jump on the sofa and said " I'm on the sofa! Your a shark so you can't go on land! " I pointed at the ground easily fooling him.

"Then I would tickle you when you come here" he said. Putting both hands on his hips.

"Hahaha! " I laughed running towards the table. He smirked and hugged me tight.

"Your mine

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"Your mine."

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