Chapter14: crappers

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The next morning I and Suga walked to breakfast together.

Jungkook had already taken off by the time I got up.

I asked about jimjn , to informed me that Magic often held before meetings where they performed on stage.

so it's like a hobby for him. To ditch of boredom

"What kind of shows ?" I asked.

"Don't know exactly, but my guess is it has to do with feeding on blood."

I pressed a hand to my stomach, sorry that I'd asked.

Of course, my sickly feeling could partly be due to the fact that I hardly slept. Then on second thought, nope, it was for sure the blood.

The idea repulsed in a big way. Seeing the red stuff in those glasses during dinner last night had been too much. If nothing else, at least I might lose a few pounds over the summer.

They walked the next few minutes in silence. "How did you sleep last night?" Suga finally asked, although I knew what my roommate really meant.

Namely, was I okay and what the hell had happened to make me faint?

I decided to ignore the subtext and answered the question as asked.

"Fine." I lied, aware the white lies might work with Suga , just not Jin

In truth, I had stared holes in the ceiling considering what jhope had said about the quest.

No matter how I looked at the problem, I couldn't think of a way to ask people if they were not all human or what.


But I could think of a lot of questions if like to ask someone about myself.

Questions like: if I am a supernatural what other kind of species could I be? And if I'm not one of you, do I have some kind of a brain tumor?

I didn't know which was worse. Then the revelation hit.

Maybe getting answers to those questions would help me rule out the possibility of being anything but human.

It wasn't the best plan, but it was a start. And I had to start somewhere.

"You didn't look fine last night," Suga said.

"Jimin just cuddled on my breast! How can I calm down.." I yelled

"Ops" he whistled


I hadn't been. When I finally went to sleep, I dreamed. Crazy, weird dreams that involved Jimin and me, were swimming.

He hadn't been wearing a shirt and neither had I .

I woken up, feeling out of breath, and tingly. Tingly the way had made me feel How could her body betray her and actually find park Jimin desirable?

Not that I would let my body win this one. If there was anything I knew about it was that I could control my desire.

I gotten really good at stopping love , even when stopping had been the last thing I wanted.

So that gave me a new goal. Not only would I try and find out if was human, I was also going to make darn sure I didn't get close to LOVE.


"Cute monzaemon dude on the left," Suga whispered, totally changing the conversation.


"The girl wearing a footbal jersey," Suga whispered again. "What I wouldn't give to hook up with this girl ."

"I thought you didn't like girls."

"I never said that. And if I did, it wouldn't apply to the opposite ways , like guys."

"You mean yaoi? I mean I ship you and Jimin " I said

"Are you really okay?" Suga asked after they passed the group of boys. "You looked out of it last night. Your aura went all freaky."

"I'm fine." And then because I didn't want to talk about last night, she asked, "Are you really a PABO ?"

Suga didn't answer right away. "Yeah. And according to my family, you'd think it's something I did not asked for."

His tone had lost the giddiness that seemed constant in his voice.

. "Ohh, ohh, look to your left-I mean your right. Your purring breastloving kitten is here. And he's blushing. You know, it has to be terrible on his ego to have been tossed out on his butt by you."

"I hope so." I spotted Jimin , and he did appear rather red-faced.


"You didn't tell about it , did you?" Suga sounded concerned. This man obviously had a soft spot for the twerp.

"No." I frowned. "But I might if he does it again." I didn't know if Jimin had super hearing, but I hoped so.

Right then, the bigger of the guys stopped and swung around.

He stood frozen in one spot, staring and twitching his brows at her.

He leaned down and whispered something to the other man and then they started forward. Right toward Me. Crappers.

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