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Jimin POV:

1 day after Samantha fainted .

I took one backwards step closer to her bedroom door. Then another noise made her stop short.

She listened, recalling the wild animal sounds from earlier that night. This sound wasn't so wild, though.

Breath held, she tuned her ears to pick up the noise. She heard it again, a very faint mewing. A soft, gentle sound.

A movement at the window caught her eye. Sam swung around.

Fear entered her chest first, but melted as soon as she saw the orange kitten perched on the outside window ledge. Startled by her sudden movement, the kitten fellfrom the ledge.

"Don't go," Sam muttered, at first not understanding her sudden concern for the kitten.

Then understanding hit. What if The cat or one of the werewolves happened by?

Sam hurried to the door and opened it. She knelt down at the threshold and made the squeaky little noise that she knew cats loved.

"Come here, baby. I'l take care of you," she cooed. Her words were met by a rustling in the bushes.

"Trust me." A few seconds later, the little yellow fur ball came swaying over.

"What a cutie," she whispered, and with a gentle finger stroked its white chin.

The kitten turned on its purring machine, moved in, and started rubbing itself against her bare calves.

She scooped up the creature and stared into the gold eyes, snuggling the purring little animal against her breasts, and then carried it inside.

The cat meowed and tried to escape from her arms, as if it didn't want to be shut inside, but Sam held it tight.

"No, no," she cooed.

"There are monsters out there. You're safe here."

The animal seemed to relax as she passed her fingers softly over the back of its ear.

"You hungry?" She butted her nose against the top of the kitten's head and cradled it closer against her chest.

She walked to the fridge, opened it to see what she could munch on, as wel as offer the poor kitten.

A door creaked open behind her, and sam turned and watched Jungkook , wearing a large yellow T-shirt and a pair of long pajama bottoms with smiley faces printed on them walk out of her room.

His tri-colored hair was a tad mussed and Sam noticed he looked younger without his normal makeup.

"Hey," Sam said.

"I thought I heard..." Jungkook stopped and his eyes grew round.

"What's that?"

"A kitten. Isn't she ... or he adorable?" She held the animal up to check its gender .

The kitten started twisting, even hissed, but Sam held it tight.

. "It's a boy. He was peering in our window." She cradled him against her chest again and glanced back at the fridge

. "I think he's hungry."

"Oh, no." The annoyance level in Jungkook 's tone had sam turning back around.

"What?" sam asked, genuinely confused. "Are you allergic to cats?"

"Same old trick, huh?" Jungkook said, but Sam didn't think I , the roommate was talking to her.

Instead, Jungkook pointed a finger at the kitten and started wiggling his pinky finger back and forth.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, show your true self or I'l put a hex on you."

This is how you do magic.

"Stop. I'm changing back." The words spewed from the kitten's mouth.

Sam stood frozen. Words. Oh, what the hell ! Was she dreaming? Cats couldn't ... talk. She looked at Jungkook , not completely ready to toss the kitten across the room, but close.

"Did I imagine...?"

Jungkook looked at Sam and his lips twitched almost in a smile, but he held it back, and directed his gaze back to the kitten. "Do it now, Jimin !"


Sam looked down at the kitten cozied up against her breasts.

Sparkles, diamond-shaped sparkles floated around the red tabby.

Then poof.

Jimin appeared, standing in front of Sam , his head plastered against her breasts.

Sam screamed.

Jin shot into the kitchen. "What's...?" He blinked. "Do you guys want to be alone?" He snickered and motioned to Sam and me.

Snapping out of her stupor, Sam grabbed the little twerp by the ear and yanked me off her chest. "He's leaving now."

"Ouch. Ouch," I muttered as Sam dragged me past the kitchen table. "Let go of my ear!" I ordered in a roar that sounded like some kind of angry beast.

But Sam wasn't feeling up to taking orders and she was too mad to be scared of me.

Holding on to my ear like a tick to a dog, she dragged me past the small coffee table, yanked open the door with her free hand, and then shoved the me out the door with such force that I landed on my butt

But she wasn't finished with me yet.

She pointed a finger at at. "You come anywhere near my breasts again and it won't be your ear I drag you out by next time. And in case you don't know what body part I'm referring to, let's just say the next time you turn yourself into a kitten, you'l find you've been neutered. " She slammed the door with a loud whack.

"Creep." Sam swung around, clenching and unclenching her fists.

Both Jungkook and jin stood there, eyes wide and mouths hanging open in a kind of warped shock.

Jin giggled first. "Sorry," he muttered. "But that was so freaking funny."

"Was not," Sam snapped, stil fuming, her throat tightening with anger.

"Oh, yes it was." Jungkook started laughing so hard that he fell against the table. "You have spunk hidden behind your innocent face. I like it."

"Either that or she's stupid," Jin said, and then snorted. "Do you realize what Jimin is? He's like the most powerful shape-shifter in the world right now. Everyone knows you don't piss off a shape-shifter. They have terrible tempers."

"I ... he ... he tricked me into letting him snuggle up against my breasts."

She recalled hearing the twerp's voice morph into a very threatening roar.

Okay, so maybe her actions had been a tad stupid, but nothing, nothing made her blood boil more than someone making a fool out of her, and that's what he'd done.

Fighting the tears, because she always cried when she was mad, she spotted the fridge stil open and marched over to shut it. The cold blast from the white box hit her face the same time as she remembered ... "Gross, I checked

 "Gross, I checked

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out his butt."

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