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I'D EXPECTED HIM TO be handsome, but it was still disappointing.

There is something in all of us that believes deep down that  shows on the outside, that we should be able to pick out  people just by looking at them, but it just doesn't work that way.

I'd spent enough time at both courts to know that beautiful and good were not the same. I, if anyone, knew that beauty was perfect camouflage for the darkest of hearts, and still I wanted  Jimin's face to show what he was inside.

I wanted some visible mark of chain on him. But he came smiling into the hall of the museum, tall, broad-shouldered, face full of clean angles, so masculine it was almost painful.

His lips were a little thin for my taste, face a little too masculine, eyes a very ordinary brown.

The hair that was  back in a neat style was an odd shade of brown, neither light nor dark.

But I had to look for imperfections because there just weren't any.

His smile was quick and softened his face to something more approachable, less model-perfect.

The laugh was deep and charming. His large hands wore a silver ring with a diamond as big as my thumb, but no  ring.

There wasn't even a telltale pale line where the ring had been removed.

His skin was white enough that there should have been a tan line.

He'd never worn a ring. I always felt that any man who didn't want to wear a  band was probably planning to cheat.

There are always exceptions, but not many.

For his part, he seemed pleased. "Your eyes glow like brown orbit jewels."

My natural eye color really did glow. I thanked him for the compliment, playing shy, looking into my drink.

It wasn't shyness. I was trying to keep him from seeing the contempt in my eyes. Both human and  culture .

The side don't worry about fornication, but once you get it, give your word that you will be faithful, then you must be faithful.

No one  will tolerate an oath breaker. If your word is worthless, then so are you.

He touched my shoulder. "Such perfect white skin." When I didn't chase him away, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my cheeks. "Your hair's like brown silk," he breathed against my skin. "Is it your natural color?"

I turned into him, answering him with my mouth just above his, "Yes." I could not believe that.

---before the day---

"Samantha! Please go on a date with me!just for one day! Uhhh don't forget you lost  the dare. Remember the winner will ask you to do something for me . So don't run away and just say yes. Haha" Jimin giggled and tuck my Hand.

I looked at his view and saw this was it.

My first date. With the first man who I have fallen in love with.
Which was going to be a bad ending.


I hated the fact that he seemed so sincere.

What was truly horrible was that he might be sincere, that at the beginning of the seduction he might mean every word.

I'd met men like that before. It's as if they believe their own lies, that this time it will be true love.

They both believe that next time will be perfect, that the next experience will complete them and stop this unending need. But it never does.

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