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"Once I come home from work and the other hand is a great day to be the best thing ever when I get to see you soon enough to make it a lot of fun and addicting but it was not immediately clear whether   my mind wasn't even." Jimin explained.

We had to do a simple speech for each other. It's like a truth or dare.

Is it weird?


  jimin GRACIOUSLY LET ME TAKE THE WINDOW SEAT. he sat very straight in his chair, hands in a death grip on the arms, seat belt buckled.

 He closed his eyes when the plane took off. Normally, I like watching the ground get farther away, but today watching jimin turn grey around the edges was much more fun.

"How can you possibly be afraid of flying?" I asked.

He kept his eyes closed, but answered me. "I am not afraid of flying. I am afraid of riding roller coasters.." His voice sounded very reasonable, as if it all made perfect sense.

"So you could ride a flying steed and not be afraid?"

He nodded, finally opening his eyes as the plane leveled off. "I have ridden the beasts of the air many times."

"So why do planes bother you?"

He looked at me as if I should have known the answer. "It is the metal, Princess . I am not comfortable surrounded by so much man-made metal.

 It acts as a barrier between me and the earth, and I am a creature of the am i to dramatic babe?"

"As you said, jimin, there are benefits . I don't have a problem with ."i laughed.

He looked at me, turning just his head. "You can do major jams?"

I nodded. "I've never found any magic that I can't perform just as well as jams as I can outside of one."

"That could be very useful, sam."

at the end of the game. i failed and lost . the dare was different to my expectations. its to go to japan with jimin. so enduring . and fun. i want to fan ... nope not fangirl but like it.

The flight attendant, a tall leggy blonde wearing nearly perfect makeup, paused by jimins seat, bending over enough to make sure he got a look at her cleavage, if he wanted it. She'd made sure he had a chance at a view every time she came by his seat

. She'd come by three times in the last twenty minutes to ask if he wanted anything, anything at all. He declined. I asked for a red wine.

She'd brought my wine this time. Because it was first class it was actually served in a long-stemmed glass. The better to spill it all over yourself when the plane hit turbulence, which it did.

The plane bucked and swerved so badly that I gave the wine back to the flight attendant, and she gave me a handful of napkins for my hand.

jimin closed his eyes again and kept repeating to all her questions, "No, thank you, I'm fine."   If jiin heard the invitation he managed to ignore it beautifully.

 I don't know if he actually didn't realize she was hitting on him, or if he was just accustomed to human women acting like fools. She finally got the hint and wandered off.

 She had to grip the backs of the seats as she moved down the plane, or she'd have fallen.

 jimin looked cute I think it was his version of turning green. "Are you all right?"

He squeezed his eyes more tightly shut. "I will be fine once we are safely on the ground."

"Is there anything I can do to help the time pass quicker?"

He opened his eyes just a slit. "can you poopoo (peck me)"

 "mani mani mani pepeol" i acted like jhope

"I have had much practice." The plane rocked violently enough that even I wasn't happy. jimin squeezed his eyes shut again. "Do you really want to help this flight pass more quickly?"

"I owe you at least that much  but it doesn't usually go that smooth or that quick."

"It helped ." He'd been very carefully calling me Princess, or baby sam, since I woke up this morning. We were no longer on a first-name basis.

The plane dipped so suddenly that even I gasped. Doyle moaned. "Talk to me,jagiya"

"About what?"

"Anything," he said, voice tight.

"We could talk about last night," I said.

He opened his eyes just enough to glare at me, the plane took another dive, his eyes snapped shut, and he almost whispered, "Tell me a story."

"I'm not very good at stories."

"Please,samantha my baby."

He'd called me a baby, an improvement. "I can tell you a story that you already know."

"Fine," he said.

"This was exactly what Fiona had done so many times to others.

"fiona realized that she was a good companion and acquaintance, but she had not been a true friend to anyone. She had tried not to argue with anyone, she had tried to pay attention to everyone, but now she had found out that that was not enough to create true friendship.

When she got home that night , created quite a puddle with her tears, and Fiona asked her mother where she could find true friends.

"Fiona, my dear," answered her mother, "you cannot buy friends with a smile or a few good words. If you really want true friends, you will have to give them real time and affection. For a true friend you must always be available, in good times and bad"

I peered at jimin closed eyes and blank face. "Please continue," he said.

"She thought about her mother. Her mother was always willing to help her, she put up with all of Fiona's dislikes and problems, she always forgave her, she loved her a great deal...

That was what makes friends!"  

The plane had straightened but was still shuddering as wind buffeted it from every side. A rough flight. "Are you bored yet?" I asked.

"Anything you say will be most fascinating until we reach the ground in safety."

"You know, you're cute when you're scared."

He did the open eyes to slits, glare, close eyes again. 

He laughed, a small dark chuckle that made me think of what he'd looked like last night with half his clothes gone. I tried to keep the thought out of my face, and I must have succeeded, because his own expression didn't change. 

I let what I was thinking into my eyes. "I don't remember you treating me like a child last night."

He looked away, not meeting my eyes. "That was a mistake."

"If you say so." I looked out the window, watching the clouds. he was determined to pretend that last night never happened. I was tired of trying to talk about it, when he so obviously didn't want to discuss it.

The flight attendant came back. 

This time she knelt, skirt tight across her thighs. She smiled up at jimin, magazines spread in a fan across one arm. "Would you like something to read?" 

I leaned close to jimins ear, close enough that my lips brushed the edges of his earrings. I had a horrible urge to lick one of the earrings, but I didn't. It was just one of those wicked urges you get occasionally. I whispered, "Take her name and phone number. and give it to that guy there" jimin did what I asked.

The flight attendant had tears of gratitude shining in her eyes when jimin took her name, number, and address. S

he actually kissed his hand and might have done more if the male flight attendant hadn't ushered her away.

The male flight attendant took care of first class for the rest of the flight. The woman never came near us again, until we were getting off the plane. Then she took jimins hand, and said, voice urgent, "You will call me, won't you?"

jimin wink at her. "Oh, yes, I will call, and you will answer every question that I put to you honestly, won't you?"

such a fan service PARK JIMIN

She nodded, tears trailing down her face. "Anything you want."

I had to drag jimin away from her. I whispered, "I'd take a chaperone with me when you go to question her." he hands his hand to my head and flick my forehead. and kissed it.

"I had not intended going alone," he said. He looked at me, our faces very close because we were whispering. "I learned very recently that I am not unaccessible to advances." His look was very frank, open, the look I'd wanted on the plane.

 "I will have to be more careful in the future." With that he raised up, so that he was too tall for whispering, and began to walk down the narrow hallway toward the airport proper crossed arms with him. 

We left the noise of engines behind and walked toward the sound of people.  

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