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  THE PEOPLE WERE A LARGE MURMUROUS NOISE THAT SWELLED TOWARD me and over me, as if I were being swallowed in a sea of noise as I walked down the concourse.

 The crowd walked back and forth at the opening like bits of multicolored debris, a wall of people.  walked just ahead of me like an advance guard, which was exactly what he was.

Our gate was in line with the broad hallway that led deeper into the airport. a man  was at the opening of the concourse, standing to one side, waiting for us. Then through the crowd I saw a tall figure come striding toward us. was dressed in layers of green and white: pale green sweater, paler green pants, and an ankle-length white duster coat floating out behind him like a cape. The sweater matched his hair.

I was happy to see him but knew if he was here, then a photographer wasn't far behind. Frankly, I'd been surprised we hadn't stepped out into a barrage of media.

  He swept me up in his arms and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Samantha, good to see you, girl." 

 The sweater was repeatably soft, clinging to his body. His skin was white, but the sweater brought out the under cast of pale, pale green so that his skin was either pearl white or a dreamlike green depending on how the light hit it.

His eyes were a deep the color of brown to black, more human than the liquid emerald of my own. But the rest of him-the rest of him was too unique for words. he spoke when silence would be wiser. It was one of the things I'd loved  and feared about him as I grew older.

"I am glad to see you, Samantha."

"I can tell," I said.

He laughed, and it was a very human laugh. Nothing but jimin's smirk made it seem a sign of jealousy.

he leaned in close, whispering against my ear. "You cut your hair. Your beautiful hair."

" thanks for the complement but i'm taken. " Samantha looked right at jmin who was pretty annoyed by the person who actually hired him. jimin started to softly swift his bangs off his face making Samantha blush hard than the guy who kissed her on the forehead. it took seconds for them to stop looking at each other and began  walking to their hotel. 

                                                        .... HOTEL....

He took my hands in his and leaned down from his great height to plant a civilized but well-meant kiss on my cheek. I returned the favor. 

jimin, smiling, charming.

"Some of the service I could do without, but-" I hugged his arm.

He leaned down to whisper, "I want you home, but I fear for you here."

I looked into those wonderful eyes and smiled. "Me, too."jimin came flirting up to me, putting an arm across my shoulders and the other around the waist. 

samantha said, "Do not be flippant, jimin"

"Wow," jimin said, "the mood has plummeted. 

" now who says the guy who got jealous over me." samantha giggled. 

" i did not. its just hot inside the airport that's all." he rolled his eye making him more attracted than ever. this clingy feeling made Samantha love jimin more than ever. the gets more manly and cute at the same time . Samantha cringed when her hand was inter wind to jimin's hand making a warm touch of magic enhance. 

" so then let me give you a quick glance of- ?" the door  rang as jimin ran to open the door. 

"who is it ?" jimin questioned

" its me , Lee Sung-kyoung"


haha made a special extra


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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