A whole new world

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That night, Rufus snuck me into his backyard but after climbing over the wooden fence a grey shaggy furry creature with four legs barked and growled at Zero and I causing me to flinch and Zero to growl back ready to defend me.

“Shush Shaggy!” Rufus shouted

After shouting at the beast, it let out a sigh. It went silent and lied down under his miniature house. I continued to follow Rufus to his bedroom window, keeping my eye on the beast.

Rufus smiled at me and said “That’s just Shaggy. Don’t be afraid. He’s all bark and no bite. He only has thirteen teeth left so; he’s just a grumpy old man now.”

I climbed through the window looking around his room and gasped. Once inside on the boys camo printed bed, I could see the messy, smelly room cluttered with clothes on the floor and on the walls were holes and posters of men holding a stringed device with piercings and tattoos.

“My mom never checks my room till it stinks up the house, so you’ll be safe,” Rufus said in his native language.

“My mom never checks my room till it stinks up the house so you’ll be safe!” Zero mimicked him.

“You learn fast!” the boy replied with an exited smile.

Zero looked at me and said “I think I know where we are.”

“You do?” I asked

“Planet earth,” Zero said

I became exited. It was like my wish came true. I could finally explore a more peaceful and civilized planet without. My happiness was soon put to rest once I looked at the poster.

“Rufus?” I asked looking over at him.

“Hm?” he said drawing his attention to me.

“What?” I asked pointing to the poster on the wall.

I assumed earth was also at war. On my planet, soldiers only get tattoo’s during war as a permanent reminder that their life will be dedicated to taking other lives.  After all, Migira was once inhabited in silence. Warriors would get a tattoo after each victory and from the art on their body tells the story of their victory for once they perish, their stories will disappear along with them.

Rufus smiled at me and put a circular disk into a machine. A very angry type of sounds started to come from the machine but Rufus began to dance and rejoice to the sinister sound.

“He is a rock star!” Rufus said in my language.

“This is a form of music,” Zero explained to me.

Finally, he turned off the rock music seeing that I was displeased and let out a yawn. He reclined onto the floor pulling a filthy cover over himself slowly closing his eyes.

“Goodnight…” the boy said quickly falling asleep.

“Goodnight,” I replied to the boy.

I lied on the bed and slowly fell asleep as Zero kept watch over me. As I sank into the glisten of dream land, I could hear my fiancé calling out to me.

“Nrents! Nrents! Princess!” he called

I looked around finding myself up to my stomach in the lake of purification, my naked body lighting up hand in hand with my sweet prince surrounded by our loved ones.

“Pay attention! You only get married once,” Zero scolded from nearby

“Yes! Continue!” I replied

“I validate the marriage between price Otulp and princess Nrents uniting the Solar and Lunar region of Migira into one!” Our parents said.

Otulp leaned in to kiss me and in the distance I could hear the cheers of the planet.

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