My wedding

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As we entered the sacred Solar temple I could see my parents sitting on their throne. I followed being Sun leading me to their throne and once I was close enough their eyes widened and they slowly rose.

Sun beat his chest saluting to my parents “I have retrived the princess, safe from harm.”

“Star…” they whispered before approaching me.

I greeted “Hello mother and father, I would like to apologise for my sudden dissapearance. I have returned and would like to promply commence matrimony.”

My parents looked at each other my father turned around approaching his throne and wrote a letter “Sun, have this letter delivered to the Lunar monarch. The cerimony will continue,”

He handed the letter to sun. Sun saluted by beating his chest and exited the room as my mother asked “Where were you?”

I replied “I was curious about a pod and it sent me to earth. Forgive me.”

My stern father approached me “You will explain your dissapearance to Migira and then you will dress before we take you to the lake of purifucation.”

I nodded “Yes father.”

I followed my father to the balcony. We looked down upon the battlezone and he rose his hand demanding respect. The battle came to a hault and everyone gave thir attention as he spoke “Fellow Migirian’s, our princess has returned to us!”

Eveyone cheeredas I came forward. I looked down upon them nervous and sighed searching for the words.

“Fellow Migirians, I stand before you to ask forgivness,” I said.

Here was chit chat and whispering amung the people as I continued ”I assure you, I did not purposly abandon Migira to avoid marriage. My curiosity sent me to a far away planet. A pleacful planet called Earth. Over time, I grew attched and accustomed to my sorroundings. I forgot what was important. For this, I ask forginess.”

They burned me with their angry eyes as I concluded my speech ”However, this trip was not in veain! I’ve learned to love. That there is a time for war but alo a time for peace! This planet has fought over things far much more deiculos than ours! Reasons, we’ve never even heard of! I will not allow this for Migira, and for that I will continue my marriage.”

There was a silence for a moment but the groud rapidly grew to peace and everyone cheered. I could feel the forgivness of my peaple and that was enough for me.

“I’ll run your bath,” said Zero exiting the room.

I was even more nervous about mrriage for the second time around than I was before. Some of my worries were put to rest. I was confidant I could assue peace on Migira but I was suddently unaccustomed to being publicay nude even for a cerimony.

After bathing and throwing my hair into a high bun Zero put a crown on my head and dressed me. After I was ready I exited the bathroom facing my parents who were paciently waiting for me.

“The Lunar monarch waits for you,” said father.

“I’m ready,” I replied.

I exited the tempple and gazed upon Prince Pluto, my fiance. We took our positions to make the walk to the lake of purification. Our fathers were in front, Pluto and I in the middle and our mothers in back. We were protected by Sun and a Lunar soldier as we made the journey.

We entered the dark forest which is on the border of Solar and Lunar territory. I could hear all the wild beast singing through the forset.The flowers were glowing lighting our way. I’ve heard stories about this sacred forest but never seen it with my own eyes before. I found my planets bird of harmony which gave me relief. Finally, we made it deeper inside to the light meddow. The trees leavs were sparkaling, and so were the petals of flowers. We passed by the harvest area where our giant veggitables remain. There were giant glowing mushrooms, potatoas and corn. And finally, we made to the lake of purification.

Pluto and I undressed ourselves and entered the water as our body ignited. We faced eachother. I glanced at Zero watching from the side lines. Our parents also undressed circling us in the water joining hands around us. As father made his speech I braced myself for the kiss and finally Pluto leaned in.

It was a beautiful ceremony. I will truly miss earth but the friends and family I made will forever remain in my heart. I am expecting the future for Migira. I truly believe he or she will never know the rage of war.

The end.

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