belonging part 2

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One warm morning I woke up to seeing Brother Rufus gloating in the mirror at his reflection. He was wearing a blank tank to, black shorts with many chains on them and boots.

I tilted my head and asked “What are you wearing?”

There’s a rock concert tonight! Matthew Rock is coming to Florida,” he replied.

Zero rolled his eyes “Ugh, that sinister noise you call music,”

Brother Rufus turned around sticking his tongue at him “Don’t be jealous.”

“Later!” Rufus called leaving the room.

I thought about how I wanted to spend my day so I looked down at Zero and said “Let’s go see how Quest is doing.”

I dressed myself into a red and cream ruffled dress and with Zero I walked those three blocks to his house. Once I approached the house I could see Journey in her ballet wear playing with her toys. She broke out from her make believe world and waved “Hi Star!”

“Hello Journey!” I greeted back.

She pointed to Zero and asked “Are you here to play with me more?” annoying him, making him scoff.

I kneeled down to eye level with her and suggested “How about we both play together today?”

Her face lit up “Really?”

“Yes, so what do you want to play?” I asked as I followed her inside.

“How about Ballerinas?” she suggested.

She handed me a tutu and a tank top. She watched my feet as we danced and she coached me “Watch your feet!”

“Oh my. You are much better at this than I am,” I whispered trying to copy her.

She giggled “I’ve been practicing for a year and a half.”

I watched her amazed by her skill and then back at zero “It’s captivating, isn’t it?”

“I guess so,” Zero replied.

“You should join me in my ballet class!” she suggested.

I nodded “I’ll have to ask Mother Sofia.”

“It would be fun to have you there! That way we can be ballet princesses together!” she raved.

I sat down “So, what would you like to do now?”

She thought for a moment “Well, maybe we can—Oh! I can give you a makeover!”

I tilted my head remembering all the plastic surgery and makeovers I read about in magazines. Suddenly I felt insecure in my appearance. “Am I ugly?”

“No!” she giggled.

“You mustn’t believe everything you read princess,” said Zero.

She put her hand on my shoulder and added “He’s right! You are very pretty! Makeup will just make you look better.”

She pulled out her little makeup kit and began to foundation my face before applying eye liner and mascara. Quest suddenly passed the room glancing at Journey giving me the makeover.

“Journey, what are you doing?” he said.

I turned around facing him and he became breathless. Journey giggled by his facial expression. He approached and was left without words. Journey grabbed red lipstick and prepared to apply it to my lips but before she could Quest quickly slapped it out of her hands.


“Hey!” she complained.

“You can’t share germs!” he explained

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