Getting accustomed

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We all approached the house and an older woman with the same skin tone as Quest was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and a troubled facial expression.

“You feeling better?” she said in a hostile tone.

“Mom, I can explain,” Quest replied

“Mhm, please do! Was Rufus sick too?” She replied.

“No, I just had to watch my cosine. She’s here from Germany and-“ Rufus explained.

Journey looked at Rufus and shouted while pointing “You’re a liar!”

“She’s Quest girlfriend! She got naked and-” Journey shouted to the woman before Quest snatched her, covering her mouth.

“What?” the woman shouted surprised.

“Shut up Journey!” he shouted.

 “Boy, if you don’t let go of her mouth!” the woman scolded.

“But mom, it’s not true!” said Quest.

 “Yeah! This is all a misunderstanding!” said Rufus.

She continued giving him a scolding look as her lips began to thin, so he let go of the girl.

“Now, get your tail up in this house. You got some explaining to do,” the woman said in a scolding tone.

Quest hung his head while walking into the house. Rufus looked back at me as I stood there confused.

“Hm?” I said.

“Nothing,” Rufus replied taking me by the hand as we walked back to his home.

It was a long quiet walk to the house. The negative tension was unbearable but once we made it into the house, his cell phone let off an alarm. He answered it “Hey man. How’d it go?”

“Man, I’m grounded,” he replied.

“That blows!” Rufus complained.

“Yeah, that’s not even the worst part. She brought up dad,” Quest replied.

Rufus shook his head and replied “Dang man.”

“Anyway, we need to figure out how to communicate with her but also go to school,” said Quest.

Rufus paced the room seemingly in deep thought and he suggested “Maybe we can take her to school with us?”

“Are you coo coo for coco puffs?” Quest blurted out.

Rufus giggled letting out a snort while scratching his head and replied “Ok, ok. Bad idea.”

“Any better ideas?” said Quest

Rufus froze, looking at a mechanical box in the living room as his face slowly lit up.

“Television! They say it rots your brain but we can use television until we teach her to read!” said Rufus

“Yes!” Quest cheered.

He continued talking as he walked to his room.

“Okay, see you tomorrow man,” he said

“Yeah, see ya,” Quest replied.

Rufus hung up the phone and lied on the floor. I sat on the bed next to him. He turned over and mumbled “Goodnight,”

I looked out the window as the sun began to set. I lied down as Zero crawled out my dress and watched me falling asleep. After falling asleep, it felt as if my spirit astro projected all the way to Migira.

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