Sex Goddess: My Seductive Surrender [2]

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 When we woke up I smelled the familiar aroma of pancakes and bacon. The smell woke Trevor up too, and he rolled over right off the bed. He groaned and crawled back up. “That’s the second time I’ve done that in a week.” His voice was muffled by the pillow he covered his head with.

I put my arms around him and hugged his back. “Maybe it’s a sign that you should sleep in my bed instead of us sleeping in yours.”

He turned over and put me in his arms. “Last night was awesome.”

“Don’t try and change the subject!”

He laughed at my persistence. “I don’t see why we can’t just stay in my room.”

“I don’t see why we don’t just share one.” It made sense to me, I just had to make Trevor see reason.

He got up and pulled some sweat pants out of the his drawer. “Let’s go get breakfast before my parents come get us. That’d be more than awkward.”

I rolled my eyes and laid back down. His parents had gone hunting last night, so even though we were alone during our intimacy, they would be able to smell it on us. Wonderful.

Breakfast wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. It seemed that his parents were grinning more than I was, which was weird because I was grinning like a damn fool. And giggling, as well. Trevor just shook his head and smiled every once in a while. Something had been bothering him for a couple weeks but I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. Maybe he was going through his man-period. I’m not sure.

His mother offered him some more pancakes and he shook his head. She glared and he cringed. “No thank you.”

She smiled again. “Better. You’re going to have to improve on your manners.”

Over the time I’d been with Trevor and his family, I’d learned that his mother possess the wonderful talent of inflicting pain through the mind. She can control how much it hurts, and where it hurts. It was handy when Trevor was in a foul mood, but it scared me. So whenever she talked to me, I made sure to be super polite and super respectful. Just in case.

His father was a strange man. He was very quiet, and rarely joined us for meals and family time. He mostly stayed in his study, and whenever we did see him it was on his way out.

Tomorrow, Trevor and I started school. We’d be starting in the 12th grade, and we had no classes together. I really wasn’t looking forward to it. Our story was, Trevor and I were dating. My mother and father were killed in an accident. The accident that brought us to Hayne, South Dakota. So Trevor’s parents offered to take me in until we got married. Sounded easy enough. Trevor had a hard time with the marriage aspect, which I didn’t understand. It was just a cover story, and even so, eventually we probably would get married. I won’t even pretend to understand him.

But so far life with the Greens had been great! I severely hoped that thinking that, didn't jinx it.

Sex Goddess: My Seductive Surrender [Cancelled]Where stories live. Discover now