Sex Goddess: My Seductive Surrender [8]

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 The rest of the day went by uneventfully. When I got out to my car, Trevor was already in the front seat. I got in without a word and clicked my seatbelt on.

“I’m sorry.” Trevor turned to me with sincere eyes.

“Hmm.” I did little to reciprocate his feelings. I wanted to play with him.

“Will you forgive me? I just have trust issues.”

“Mmm.” I kept looking straight ahead.

He sighed and put his hand on his forehead. “Kate, please?” His voice was strangely lined with some emotion I couldn’t identify. I turned to him and noticed his cheeks were flushed.

“What’s wrong with you?” It was freaking me out.

He shrugged. “I feel like shit.”

“You look like shit.”

“Thanks.” His sarcasm wasn’t even as strong as it usually was. He started the car and pulled out.

“Do you want me to drive?”

“Do you forgive me?” He was still persistent.

“Yes. Do you want me to drive?” I repeated the question.

“No, I’m fine. My head just hurts.”

“Is that… Normal?” Of course it wasn’t normal, but I didn’t know how other half breeds worked. Could he actually be sick?!


The rest of the ride home was silent. I was worried about Trevor and Trevor was focused on the road, thankfully. When we got back to the house, I insisted he tell his mother about his “headache”.

“No, Kate. It’ll go away.” He headed up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and followed. Stubborn men.

Inside his room, he plopped down on the bed and buried his head under the covers. He didn’t move for about a minute and I was scared he was dead. I kicked him and he stirred and groaned.

“What?” He turned his face up.

I sat next to him and felt his head. “You have a fever.”

“How would you know?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Because you’re usually a lot colder than this.” My voice was harsh. I laid down next to him and hugged his body to mine. “Does anything else hurt?”

“No, but… I feel… Bad.” He shook his head.

“I guess you’re sick, then. Strange.”

He groaned and tucked his face into my neck. “Hold me.”

I laughed a little at his receding maturity. “I am holding you.” I tightened my arms around him.

He lifted his head and laid it on top of my breasts. “Now you’re holding me.”

I scoffed. “You’re so sick.” Ha! “No pun intended.”

He smiled into my boobs. He fell asleep for about ten minutes. Then he woke up with his cheeks even more flushed. He shot up out of my arms and leaned over. I thought he was seizing, but as soon as he grabbed his trash can, vomit and bile came spewing out of his mouth, accompanied by horrid noises. His eyes were watering and he looked like he was dying.

I held him around his stomach to keep him from plunging headfirst into the throw up when he puked. It finally came to an end and he fell back onto the bed.

I stared into the trash can in horror. “That was non-human, babe.”

He groaned and turned over. “I feel a little better.”

I shook my head. “That’s because your liver, spleen, and stomach are all in that trash can.”

“Maybe it was something I ate?”

“What did you eat today?”


I rolled my eyes and hugged him to my chest again. “Still feel nauseous?”

“Bleghh. I don’t even know what it feels like.”

“How you felt before you threw up would probably be nauseous, Trevor.”

There was a knock at the door. His mother walked in.

“You’re sick?” She had most likely heard all the terrible noises coming from the back of Trevor’s throat and was just as concerned as I was. Maybe more.

Trevor nodded and sat up.

Mrs. Green sighed and thought for a moment. Then she exited the room and came back a few seconds later with a thermometer.

“Where’d you get that?” Trevor’s attention was turned to a long, glass, pointy object being shoved under his tongue.

“I’ve had it since I met your father and you. I figured if I was going to be a mom I might as well play the part well. Plus I kept envisioning you inviting over a friend to study and her ending up injured from your ‘rough housing’.” She shook her and head smiled at me. “Trevor only recently stopped being so harsh towards women.”

Trevor put a hand on his forehead and covered his face. “Really mom?” His voice was weaker than before.

I put my hand on his back and rubbed it, thinking to myself. Maybe it was the stress we’ve been going through lately. But then, I wasn’t sick. I didn’t even know what sick felt like, so how would I even know? It was probably just some natural phenomenon. But then again, vampires and half breeds themselves are phenomenon’s; could a phenomenon happen to a phenomenon?

Trevor laid his head on my shoulder and broke me out of my thoughts. His mother had left with the thermometer without saying a word. She just gave him a pitiful smile and ducked out.

“101. I’m sick, Kate.” What a big baby.

“You poor thing.” I played up my part.

He suddenly got serious. “But you make me feel better.”

I smiled a little and kept rubbing his back. “I’m glad.”

“Kate, I have something to tell you.”

Uh oh.. “Okay?”

“It’s not good.”

It couldn’t be that bad. Right?

Sex Goddess: My Seductive Surrender [Cancelled]Where stories live. Discover now