Sex Goddess: My Seductive Surrender [7]

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 School was even more stressful than I had previously imagined. Being away from Trevor and constantly looking over my shoulder, combined with sleep deprivation from worrying and sexing just made me a walking mess. I felt like I could snap at anyone, at any time, for any reason.

Trevor noticed and stayed quiet most of the ride to school in the morning. He just held my hand and rubbed his thumb back and forth in my palm comfortingly. He knew to keep his distance. The other people at school though, had some serious comprehension problems.

Where I’m from, if someone doesn’t smile and say “hello” to you, she’s in a bad mood and you probably shouldn’t bother her because you’re liable to getting your face bitten off. Literally. But in Hayne, South Dakota, discretion didn’t exist.

“Hi! I’m Caleb! Are you new here?”

Of course I was instantly wary of this boy, after all the last time I ignored a guy that introduced himself to me he turned out to be a disturbing vampire that practically almost owned me.

“Yeah.” I kept my answer short and continued looking over our reading list for the year.

I could tell he was still there. I looked up at him. I kind of felt bad, because he was one of those nerdy guys that took years to summon the courage to talk to girls. “I’m Kate.” I held my hand out, mentally cursing my niceness.

Just then, I felt Trevor appear. No, I didn’t see him or hear him behind me. I felt him behind me. Over the months we’ve developed the ability to feel each other’s presence. And Trevor’s presence wasn’t happy.

I knew for a fact that he wasn’t when I saw the look on Caleb’s face turn from victorious geek to terrified dweeb.

“Hey, Kate. Who’s this?” His voice was thick with fake nicety.

I rolled my eyes at him. “This is Caleb, he was just introducing himself to me.” I gave him a harsh look that meant he was harmless.

Trevor caught on, but obviously didn’t care. “Ahh, hello Caleb.” He reached his hand out. Caleb took it and was surprised by the firmness of Trevor’s grip. When he let go, Caleb’s face was red and I think he was perspiring.

“I’m Trevor. Kate’s boyfriend.” Trevor’s smile was curt, with implied hostility.

Caleb nodded and faked a smile. “If you two need any help with where to go or how to get there, let me know.” He turned around and hobbled back down the hallway.

I sighed. Poor Caleb. He was a nice kid.

Trevor grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side of the hall where the lockers stopped and there was an area of seclusion. “Why were you talking to him?!” His whisper was so harsh molecules of spit flew from his mouth.

“Wow Trevor, why are you so jealous? Do you really think I would cheat on you with him?” There was some joking in my tone, because I was trying not to make it so serious, but Trevor didn’t find it funny at all.

“How am I supposed to know what you’re into?”

Wow, that was sad. He knew me better than anyone else, and he knew I loved him. Only him.

“I don’t even have a comment on that Trevor.” I yanked away from his hand and walked down the hallways towards my next class just as the tardy bell rang.

Great, my first day and I’m in a bad mood, my boyfriend’s being a douche, and I’m late for class. What’s next??

Jealous hoes. That’s what’s next. Lunchtime was hell. I sat down alone, Trevor nowhere in sight for whatever reason. I was trying to put our argument out of my mind when a strawberry blond with high heels clicked her way over to my tabled and slid a paper onto the table in front of me. I took it with curiosity.

In big bold letters it read:

To all of you who suffer, you are not alone. Herpes affects 1 out of 4 Americans. Seek treatment today, and save a life. Wrap it up.

I knew it was an intended insult and mean joke, but I turned it around. As the girl was walking away from the table with her pack of friends, laughing her ass off, I stood up and yelled, “Excuse me! You forgot you Herpes pamphlet!”

She stopped and turned around shocked as everyone around her laughed and snickered at the mean girl getting owned. She rolled her eyes and stormed off with her disheveled bitch-clique in tow.

I wondered where Trevor was. He would be so proud of me.

Sex Goddess: My Seductive Surrender [Cancelled]Where stories live. Discover now