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Riley moved to the barre quickly without making a sound. Miss Koff walked up and down the girls inspecting them. Making sure they had their earpieces in their ears. When she reached Riley, Miss Koff looked her up and down.

"You solo." she said in her Russian voice.

Riley smiled.Glancing behind her she saw Janessa give a thumbs to Riley.

"In your spots." Miss Koff ordered.

The girls scrambled to get to their choreographed spot on time before she started the music. Riley got to her spot, and while the other girls layed on the ground. The music started.

Riley flowed with the music,making it seem effortless. As the intro began to end Riley did 3 pirouettes and pulled her leg into the scorpion pose. The other girls began the choreographed part that they all knew. Towards the end Riley's vision became blurry as she did another solo.

"I'm coming to find you. Riley....I'll always find you" a voice said.

Riley saw a hospital. She flew through it taking her to room 5214. Going through the door she saw a women with reddish brown hair and green eyes.

"Riley! You've got to save us." she said.

Riley looked down on the bed and saw herself laying there with Sean by her side.

"I know!" Riley's future self yelled.

"Riley..." Sean quietly warned.

"You have NO right telling me what I have to do!" her future self continued to yell.

Riley felt herself being pulled out of the vision.

"Riley...Are you OK?" Janessa asked.

Riley found herself looking up into her eyes.

"What...What happened?" Riley asked.

"You passed out after the end of the dance. Do you want water or help up?" Janessa asked.

"Both would be nice." Riley said.

The girl pulled Riley up by the arms and lead her to chair where she was given water.

"Seriously,you had us worried. there." another girl named Becky said. The girls helped over to the small bench in the corner where she rested until the world stopped whirling around her.

"Riley, Becky, Janessa and Melissa in my office now please." Miss Koff said from the door.

The four girls looked at each other as they walked over to her office.

"The rest of you are dismissed." she added on. "I will see you all tonight for the recital."

Practice ended at about 9 AM, so the girls scurried out of there. They all wanted to go home and sleep, even though it was summer.

"Becky, you first." Miss Koff said.

Becky walked slowly towards the door in which sealed her fate. Riley caught a glimpse of what was inside. She saw 3 other people there.One of them turned and looked Riley right in the eye, she looked really familiar to Riley. As the door closed, the 3 of them pressed their ears against the wall listening for any juicy details worth hearing.

"I wanna hear." Melissa complained. 

After about 5 minutes Becky came out with a poker face on. She looked at each of the girls and then continued onto the locker room.

"Riley!" Miss Koff called out.

Riley took a deep breath before entering the pit of doom.

Three hours earlier 

"Bella, I really wish you wouldn't meddle with other people's lives." Orlando complained.

"Oh, come on I just want to see what Riley looks like. Besides its Eliza's reason, that I never talk to her." she replied.

"You know its not." Orlando said to her.

"Mom?" Kaitlin asked from the doorway. "Where are you going?" 

Bella looked into the gold eyes of her daughter. One of her twins. Alex was probably off doing something else. But she knew something was up with her child.

"What's wrong?" Bella asked Kaitlin.

"Um, Can I just talk to you mom. I'd prefer not having dad here. No offense dad. I still love you its just...."

"I got it honey, girl stuff." Orlando said jokingly.

"Dad!" Kaitlin groaned.

Orlando chuckled to himself as he left his bedroom.

"What's up, baby?" Bella asked.

"You know how you and dad are matches?" Kaitlin said.

"Yes" Bella took in her daughter's nervous look on her face.

"I've found mine." she said.

"That's great.. but what's the problem?" she continued.

"Its........Alex." Kaitlin said.

"Your brother?" Bella gasped.

"I know. It doesn't make sense at all. But I do love him more than a brother. He feels the same way." Kaitlin added on.

Bella sat down on her bed. As she sat she thought about how it was possible. Then she got an idea.

"It's probably because of the way it worked." Bella said. "See, when your born with gifts like yourself. A part of you is sent out into the world to find someone who's compatible with you. And I guess it was Alex, because he was next to you in my stomach." Bella explained.

"Wow, that was deep." another voice said from the doorway.


"Hey" Kaitlin said.

Alex came up to his sister and put his arms around his sister's waist. 

"Now...I'm leaving. Behave. I don't want to turn on the news anywhere and see that Orlando,Florida had a hurricane.Kaitlin." Bella warned

"I'll keep her in check." Alex laughed.

"Alex...do not decide to freak people out by entering their minds" Bella warned.

"I'll keep him in check mom...Where exactly are you going?" Kaitlin asked.

"To see, my goddaughter." she replied.

Present time

"Riley, this is Lydia Reddington from Julliard. And Sarah R.( you know who you are) and Bailey D.(you know who you are) from Seattle Ballet Company." Miss Koff introduced.

Riley nodded at each of them.

"They have some questions for you and would like to see you dance later." she added on.

"Alright,Riley." Lydia started.(Bella) "Why do you dance?' 

"I do it to create a story, and let the people enjoy it." she replied.

"How long have you been dancing and what styles did you do?" Bailey asked.

"11 years and Irish,modern,ballet,tap,jazz,and contemporary."

"What were your favorites?" Sarah asked.

"Ballet and contemporary." Riley said.

"What universities have you been looking at?" Lydia asked.

"Julliard and Seattle's company and possibly a Russian group." Riley smiled. 

"How long have you been blacking out?" Lydia asked.

"I hav- Hold on...How do you know about that?" Riley questioned.Warning bells were going off in Riley's head.

"Because....I'm your godmother and you mom's best friend..Bella Reddington."

Long update!


 Scorpion pose on side.

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