New Truths

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"I feel like something bad is going to happen." Kaitlin told Alex as they pulled into the studio's parking lot.

"Well, I'm getting pulses of a hunter." Alex informed Kaitlin.


"Like vibes, but they give off emotion. This person is excited, and now suddenly angry." Alex stated.

"Wow, I've never known your gift, but you've always known mine. That's hurtful." Kaitlin said sniffed.

Opening the car door, Kaitlin grabbed her bag, that was filled with papers that they stole from the government building they broke into, two blocks away.

"I still can't believe that we had to break into that building." Alex complained.

Twenty minutes before

"C'mon you big baby." Kaitlin chided as they snuck into the air vents of the government building.They had to retrieve the files that contained the truth about Riley. They'd gotten a call from their dad before they turned around to go to the studio after following Riley.

"Kaitlin, I need you to go get files on the Blackwell family, OK?" her dad had told her.

When Kaitlin agreed they located the nearest building that contained family files on Riley.Crawling in the air vents, Kaitlin swore that Alex sneezed ten times in a row. 

"You're going to get us caught! " Kaitlin hissed. 

"Sorry, it's just.....ah ah achoo!" Alex sneezed. 

The vent around them rattled and made the sneeze echo. Dust came off the ceiling and showered them. Kaitlin looked behind her and glared at Alex. If looks could kill, Alex was already six feet under the dirt. Alex sent Kaitlin an apologetic look, that didn't do anything to help his situation. Rolling her eyes Kaitlin continued crawling. They reached a grate that opened to the office they were looking for. Kaitlin pushed the grate off. 

"I'm going in." Kaitlin whispered to Alex. 

"Sure thing Tom Cruise, let me get your theme music." Alex commented. 

Climbing down into the office, Kaitlin saw a desk, three filing cabinets and pictures decorating the walls. Walking over to the filing cabinets, Kaitlin looked in the "B" section. Seeing the Blackwell file, she snatched up. As she turned to the vent, Kaitlin saw a picture on the wall that looked familiar to her. Her mom was in the picture, also her dad. She saw, Eliza and Justin as well. They all looked around the age of sixteen or seventeen.  

"Kaitlin?" Alex called down. 

Kaitlin ignored Alex and continued to study the picture in front of her. Could this be the office of the mastermind behind it all? Or was it put there for her to just see. Suddenly, the knob of the door began to turn. Thinking fast, Kaitlin grabbed the photo off the wall and climbed back into the air vent, just as the door began to open.

"Linda, when you're done bring me that file." the man called out to his assistant.

He walked into the room and sat down at his desk.

"Kaitlin, we need to go." Alex whispered to her.

Kaitlin didn't move she sat in the vent staring at the man. He looked familiar to her, but she couldn't put her finger on it. The man continued doing his thing, without even noticing that the picture was gone. Sighing Kaitlin turned away from the grate and continued back to the car.

Present Time

"C'mon, Alex!" Kaitlin urged.

Alex was jogging as fast he could to studio's stage. He was still wheezing from the exposure to the dust. Groaning, Kaitlin gave up and simply just continued going to Riley's location in the building. As she reached backstage,she saw Riley doing a solo with her match. 

"Great, we made in time." Kaitlin, thought. 

Her bag still hung off her shoulder, containing the files. Kaitlin couldn't resist what the big secret was. Opening the file she read through it.

Name-Riley Elizabeth Bella Blackwell

D.O.B(date of birth) Born June 5th 1996

Parents-Justin and Elizabeth Blackwell

Powers-Dream Keeping, future sight and push

Parents' Powers-Air and Fire, mind reading

Match- Sean Hutton

Siblings-Janessa Raquel Blackwell

D.O.B- Born June 5th 1996

"So that's why dad made me get this."Kaitlin thought.

Turning, Kaitlin saw her miserable match, dragging his sorry ass into the studio.

"Took you long enough." Kaitlin teased.

"Jerk." he said as he gasped for air.

Riley was done performing with her match. They walked off stage. Kaitlin couldn't hear them talking about, a gunman. She watched as she saw Riley go back out on the stage. Kaitlin took this as her opportunity.

"Excuse me?" she asked as she walked up to the by.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Are you Sean?" Kaitlin asked.

"Yes, can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes, you might want to look at this." Kaitlin said.

As he read over the file his eyebrows were furrowed.

"I don't understand how could a simple government building have all this information?" Sean asked.

"Well, that's what we were wondering."


"Alex and I." Kaitlin gestured

to Alex.

"I see." was all Sean said before the shot rang out.

Gun man

Aiming the rifle at Riley doing her solo. Gosh it was to easy for him. All he had to do was kill her, take her parents and get the hell out of there. The guy lifted her up making a good shot but he noticed her eyes widening when she saw him aiming at her. Now he couldn't shoot at her if she knew he was there. Well, we'll see about that.

Riley felt herself get knocked to the ground. Fire shot up her ankle and she grit her teeth in pain.

"Riley!" Sean cried out as she ran to her side.

Blood was pooling around Riley. But she didn't feel the hot sticky liquid come out of her. Lifting her head she saw Janessa panting for air. 

"No!" Riley screamed.

She managed to crawl close to Janessa and hold her hand. The blood was coming from her stomach.

"Riley?" Janessa asked.

"I'm here, Sean's here." Riley cried.

"Promise me, you'll keep fighting and dancing." Janessa gasped.

"I will." 

"Sean you take good care of my sister." Janessa said, before closing her eyes.

"No...No!" Riley screamed again.By now the studio was empty only containing, Riley Sean, Kaitlin, Alex and the lifeless body of Janessa.

Silence fell over them as Riley's sobs were muffled by Sean's chest.

hey guys!

Were getting close to the end! School starts tomorrow so updates won't be as frequent.

Love y'alls


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