I Made My Choice

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"I choose...Julliard." Riley announced.

Sarah and Bailey smiled,but Riley knew on the inside that they were pissed.

"Congratulations, Riley." Bella smiled.

"Well, I best be going. Thank you both." Riley said.

Riley walked to the locker room and grabbed her bag. She shoved her ear buds into her ears and blasted "Blurred Lines."  just because that was her mood.

"Hey!" someone called out.

Riley turned around to find Bella jogging towards her car.

"That woman needs to leave me alone." Riley thought, but she put a smile on her face for her anyway.


"Hey! You tried to cheat again!" Kaitlin yelled at Alex.

"No I Didn't." he fought back






"Well you just said I didn't so.... I didn't." Alex said triumphantly.

Kaitlin got up from where she was playing BS and walked past him up to her room.

"Oh, come on Kaitlin. It's just a game!" he laughed as he followed her.

"I know..but that doesn't change the fact that I'm going to take your teddy bear that you still sleep with and show it to all your friends." Kaitlin threatened.

Alex's eyes got wide as he sprinted up the stairs.Kaitlin gave a mock scream and ran up to his bedroom and shut and locked the door just in time.

"Open this door now!" he yelled through the door.

"Nope." Kaitlin giggled.

She walked over to his bed where his teddy  bear lay. Picking it up she began to take pictures with her phone of the bear.

"I swear to god I'll..." Alex started.

"You'll what?" Kaitlin asked.

"Give me a minute...I'm thinking." he replied.

Kaitlin rolled her eyes as she looked around her brother/matches room. The walls were a dark blue holding a few posters and pictures. A desk sat in the corner holding papers from school. Kaitlin sat on his dark green bedspread and snuggled the teddy bear.


"Go ahead...there's nothing special about it." she laughed.

"Yes,but you left your diary out." Alex said,his voice retreating from the door.

"Oh HEEEELLL NOOOO!" Kaitlin yelled.

She threw open the door just in time to see Alex walking towards her door. Tackling him in the hallway, Alex rolled them over so that he was on top of her.

"I was kidding." Alex laughed.

Kaitlin rolled her eyes at him.

Alex leaned down to kiss Kaitlin. When their lips touched,Alex made sure he was being gentle with her. Kaitlin couldn't get enough of him. She made the kiss 10 times more passionate than it already was. Kaitlin pulled back to look at Alex. He stared at her with big green eyes.

"I REALLY wasn't going to do it you know." Alex informed.

"I know." Kaitlin giggled.

"So does that mean you're not posting pictures of my teddy bear?" Alex asked.

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