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"Where have you been?" Riley asked.

She looked into Sean's deep green eyes, as he brushed back loose strands of her hair. They were sitting on the dance floor. After their little meet and greet they just didn't want to get up, it seemed like to much work to get up. All the lights were off, creating a romantic glow. The music Riley was dancing to was still playing quietly.

"Someone took me. I don't know who, but.... I knew where I was." Sean replied.

"I believe you." Riley promised.

"Do you have the ring?" he asked.

Riley looked down upon her finger. The amethyst glittered at her with reassurance of Sean's love for her.

"Yes, of course." Riley laughed at his anxiety.

"Well, I had that thing since I knew you were my match." Sean informed her.

Riley looked into his evergreen eyes and smiled.

"When was that?" Riley questioned.

"Well when we first met in the eighth grade." he laughed.

4 Years Ago

Riley was walking down the hall of her middle school. Trenton Middle School. It was the middle of the year, and Riley was dying to get into high school. Being captain of the dance team plus doing Drum Core International(professional marching band) was extremely stressful. 

"Hey, Riley!" Janessa called out.

Riley looked up at her best friend. Janessa's curls were bouncing everywhere with her blues sparkling.

"Hi" Riley greeted.

"This is Sean. He's new. Sean, this is Riley." Janessa introduced.

Riley looked up into the green eyes that haunted her dreams, for the past few months. His hair was a brown color. He also had a killer smile.

"Nice to meet you." Sean said.

His voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Nice to meet you too." Riley greeted.

"Well, I'm going to the cafeteria, and getting something to eat." Janessa called out as she walked away. That left Riley and Sean alone.  

"Where are you from?" Riley asked.

"Colorado, my dad's job moved us here." Sean explained.

"To Vermont?'

"Yeah, that's what I said too." he laughed.

"Well, do you play any sports?" 

"No not really, I mean, I've had classical  training in dance, but nothing special." he said sheepishly.

" Wow, I do dance too. This is my seventh year doing it." she admitted.

"Cool, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked out of the blue.

"No, why?" 

"Just curious." Sean said.

Riley felt her cheeks heat up. She ducked her head to hide her face from Sean.

"Don't hide your eyes from me, they're beautiful, I've never seen violet before." Sean whispered.

Present Day


"You've known that long?"  Riley asked, surprised.

"Yeah, its silly isn't it." 

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