Story Time

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Riley watched from her balcony the two women forgive each other before returning to the house. Riley turned back to her bedroom.. She walked over to her iHome and plugged in her iPod.Riley felt like she needed music. Music helped Riley cope with feelings of herself and people who hurt her feelings. She decided on some 80's music. Everyone seemed so carefree in that decade. She turned on "Material Girl" by Madonna. Riley blasted it so loud that the windows thumped along with the beat. Riley got into the groove so much that she opened her closet and opened the door that led to a little room behind it and danced inside there. Riley's parents decided to turn it into a little dance studio for Riley. Riley let her mind wander with the music and even sang along with the 80's queen. The shuffle was on on her iPod so she got some Christina Aguleria. "Ain't No Other Man".  The rocking beat and the soulfulness of the singers voice. Clapping noises came from the "Secret" doorway. Riley looked up and saw Bella and her mother watching her.

"Thanks." Riley panted.

"That was incredible. I'm so excited that your a new addition to Julliard legacy." Bella beamed.

"I'm sorry honey. I love you." Eliza cried. Riley knew she was crying because of the pregnancy hormones coursing through her body.

"Oh, mom" Riley said gently."I would like to know what exactly happened between you two." 

"Sure." Eliza replied with tears in her eyes.

25 minutes later.

Riley and the two older women found their way over to Riley's bed. Riley was in surprise over the kidnapping. When the incident came up, Riley was in awe of what her mother said to Bella all those years ago. 

"So, how'd I get my powers then?" Riley asked as she brushed out her strawberry colored hair. 

"Easy, when I had you some of my powers passed to you as well as your father's powers." Eliza laughed. 

Riley sat there and digested all of this new information. It was a lot to take in, too much in fact. 

"What are matches?" Riley asked.

'I got this one," Bella said "Matches are like your soul mates, the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with."  she added.

Riley heard soul mates and dashed to her bag across the room. She pulled out the blue velvet pouch which contained her ring. Pulling it out she placed it on her left ring finger. 

"Riley,what is that?" Eliza asked.

"A promise ring from Sean." she replied.

Eliza gasped."When did he give you that?" Riley didn't know if her mom was angry or confused.

"The night he disappeared." Riley sobbed. Tears were spilling from her eyes.

"Oh, honey." Bella sighed. "He'll come back."

"I just thought of something." Eliza cried out.

"What?" Riley asked through the tears.

"If he's your match , then you should make a connection with him." Eliza yelled with joy.

Riley smiled and then hugged her mother tightly. Eliza hugged her back surprised by the affection provided by Riley.

"What are we waiting for then?!" Bella giggled.

"How do you make a connection ?" Riley asked.

"Sleeping, then opening your mind and search fro him." Eliza instructed.

5 minutes later

Riley found herself sleeping within a minute of hitting her pillow with her head. Bella and Eliza left her to herself. Riley opened her mind calling out Sean's name with her thoughts and her heart.

"Riley? Riley is that you? " a voice said.

"Yes." she replied.

"Riley! Its me Sean!" He cried out with joy.

"Where are you?" she sighed with relief.

"I honestly don't know. After I dropped you off at your house on that night something happened. I got home and when I woke from sleeping, I was somewhere else. I thought I lost you forever." Sean sighed.

"I know me too." Riley replied.

"I've escaped from where I was and I ran as far as I could. I'm at your dance studio. I walked in and was dragged in by people getting ready for some performance. Save me! Too much glitter." he explained.

Riley laughed." I know, I'll be there soon, wait how are you making this connection?" 

"They let me sleep." he replied simply.

"I'll be there as soon as I can, one more question thought...." Riley trailed off.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you my match?" she asked.

"Yes, I've known from the moment I met you,I'm just like Riley, I have powers as well." he stated.

Riley felt the connection slipping.

"I love you,I'll be there soon."

"I love you more, keep that ring?" Sean said.

"Yes." she replied. And with that Riley left the dream world.

Downstairs in the kitchen.


She and Eliza left Riley in her room to call for Sean and was praying that it was working.

"So how are you and Orlando?" Eliza asked as she placed tea in front of her.

"Thanks and really good." Bella replied. She took the mug and brought up to her lips and took a sip.

"Damn!" Bella yelped. "Did you use fire?" 

"Guilty." Eliza laughed.

Rolling her eyes,Bella created ice cubes in her palm and then dropped them one by one into her tea. She smirked when she finished.

"Smart ass." Eliza giggled. "So, how old are your kids?" 

"Kaitlin is older by like 3 minutes. She's 17 and so is Alex. They found their match." Bella staed sadly.


"Its each other. And I'm worried for them." Bella said quietly.

"Isn't  that incest? They should be fine." Eliza consoled.

"Yes, but they're happy." Bella trailed off.

"What does Orlando think about it?" Eliza asked.

"Well, he seems fine,but I think it bothers him a little bit,deep down." Bella admitted. 

Riley came running down the stairs and came into the kitchen with a flushed face. 

"Did you get anything?" Eliza asked.

"He's at the studio." Riley panted.


Now was a good time. He hopped out of his car and crossed the street.


"Alex, quit it." Kaitlin giggled.


"C'mon. Please."

"Uh, no"

"Fine." Kaitlin said. She grabbed Alex's tickling fingers. Kaitlin's eyes clouded with anger. Lightening crackled outside the house. 

"Damn it, Kaitlin." Alex laughed.

The doorbell rang. Announcing Johnny's arrival.

 Zac Efron plays Sean!

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