Seeing you

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Bolting down the stairs, Riley's arm decided to knock down the one picture her mother hated. The glass crashing on to the tile floor,Riley cringed at the sound and silently waited for the yelling. Nothing came,luckily. Picking up the picture she brought it close to her face so she could study it better. She easily picked out her mom,dad Bella, and her husband? In the background she saw the president smiling along with them. Peering she looked behind the president she saw another person. He didn't look familiar but, he looked angry and pissed off.  Folding the picture into four parts Riley placed the picture in her pocket. Making it to the kitchen door Riley,saw Eliza and Bella talking and drinking tea.

"Did you get a connection?" Eliza asked.

"Yes, he's at the studio." Riley panted.

"We have to go now." Bella stated the obvious.

Riley nodded as she slowly walked over to her bag. She grabbed her keys and walked towards the garage. Riley got in her car. As the garage door opened, Riley saw two people standing there. They didn't look suspicious but, Riley rolled up all her windows and tried not to make eye contact with anyone. The two people still stood there looking at her.

 "This is getting creepy." Riley muttered to herself.

Pulling out of the garage and on to the driveway,Riley turned on her radio to block out her current thoughts about things. Hitting shuffle on her iPod, the first song played was Justin Timberlake's "My Love". Ah, the irony. Riley continued driving before she realized the people were following her in a car of their own.

Twenty Minutes Earlier


"I'll get it." Alex said as he stood up from Kaitlin. 

As he walked to the door he got a strange feeling that they were being watched. He heard Kaitlin breathing quietly and felt her eyes on his back. 

"Don't answer it." Kaitlin warned.

"Why?" Alex questioned.

"Just don't and come back here, we'll go to where mom is." Kaitlin planned.

Alex took one last look at the door before climbing back up the stairs and to Kaitlin's arms.

"Well, how  do you suggest we get out of here?" Alex asked.

The doorbell rang again.

"I think I could teleport us, but...." She trailed off.

"But, what?" Alex said unsure.

"It could be a rough trip. We'd be off by a couple miles." Kaitlin advised.

The doorbell rang again and again getting more and more persistent.

"We're taking that risk." Alex said."Mom, said Vermont right?"


"OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" a voice came through the door. 

"Go!" Alex commanded.


"There's not another woman that could take your spot my love, love."Timberlake serenaded through the speakers.

"Those people have not stopped following me."Riley thought.

The dance studio was only a few blocks away. Her recital was in a few hours but wanted to be early and talk to Sean. As she pulled up into her spot. The car following her had continued driving.

"Huh?" Riley said out loud.

Riley pushed on her aviators and pulled her hair into a messy bun before she got out. Jamming in her headphones she listened to Mackelmore's Downtown. She needed music to help her focus. Opening the glass door to her second home, Riley took a quick look around only to see people bustling around and pulling girls hair into slick buns. Walking to the locker room, she put her items in her locker. As she closed the front of her locker, she heard a noise. Looking to her left and then right she saw nothing. Continuing on her routine of the studio, Riley pulled on her pointe shoes and tiptoed into the dance room.  Picking a slow moving song she chose the ballad movement from Dvorak's 9th symphony. Letting herself flow with the music.. The floor squeaked behind her, but she didn't care to notice. 


Waking up from his sleep, he heard someone in the locker room. Pulling himself up from the floor where he had made a makeshift bed for himself. He saw a flash of golden reddish hair and his heart leaped in his chest.

"Riley!" He wanted to yell so badly at her and say "I'm  here, I'm alive, I Love You" but he restrained himself from doing so. he let his eyes follow Riley into the studio itself. He heard a few clicking sounds and then music. 

"Dvorak's Ninth Symphony. Smart girl" he smirked.

Opening the door, the floor boards creaked underneath him. Riley didn't turn. Her eyes were closed focusing on the music and the story she wanted her body to create. As she moved her body to go into an arabesque,Sean came up behind her and lifted her into the air.


Riley felt her behind lifted into the air. Confused she opened her eyes and saw Sean.

"Oh my god Sean!" She screamed before she wiggled in his arms causing the to both fall to the floor.

Riley landed on top of Sean. Smashing her lips against his,she put everything she'd been feeling the past couple of months. Angry,worry, fear, hope and love into one kiss. Sean put his arms around her waist and kissed her back. Riley took charge of the kiss and plunged her tongue inside Sean's mouth. Riley and Sean moaned when she moved her hands up and into Sean's hair. 

"Riley," Sean manged to get out.


"I love you." Sean stated.

"Me too." she said back.

Sean chuckled deeply. Riley felt herself smile for the first time in months. Riley's consciousness slowly came back to her as Sean's hand began to climb up and to her chest.

"Stop." she said.

Their kiss broke off before anything else got hot and heavy between them.

'Where have you been?"Riley asked.


"Okay maybe teleporting wasn't the best idea." Kaitlin said.

"You think." Alex groaned from where he was on the ground.

Kaitlin was perfectly fine. Alex on the other hand,sounded like a dying cat on the ground. They ended up on the ground in front of Riley's house.

"There's mom's car." Kaitlin said happily.

While Alex continued groaning his head off, Kaitlin opened her mom's car door and grabbed the keys from the visor. Turning the keys in the ignition, the BMW roared to life.

"C'mon, you big baby."

They watched as Riley pulled out of the driveway all the way to the dance studio but decided to keep going not wanting to freak out Riley.

"C'mon." Alex motivated.

Hey guys!

Happy New Year! 2014!

Imma disappear now but I Love all of my followers and whoever else is!


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