Everything's out of Place

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"Come on, Riley. We got to go to the hospital, Your ankle is broken. Sweetheart please." Sean begged.

Riley was still holding, Janessa's lifeless cold hand. Riley felt pain, but only showed sorrow and anger.

"Why would she do that?" Riley sniffled.

There probably was making running down her face and loose hair everywhere. But Sean only showed love and sympathy in his eyes. The blood was getting stuck to Riley's tutu and it made a huge contrast to the outfit.

"Alright," she sighed." Help me up." Riley stated.

Sean scooped up Riley like she weighed nothing. Linking her arms around his neck, Riley leaned her head on his chest. Sean's steady heartbeat allowed her to relax. Looking up Riley saw the two people that were stalking her earlier to the studio.

"The hell are you doing here?" Riley asked Kaitlin.

"I'm Kaitlin and this is Alex." she said."We're here to help you. We have some information that you should really read." 

Handing the file to Riley,Kaitlin looked over at the dead body of Janessa. 

"Alex, I think we should take her body to the coroner." Kaitlin whispered.

Nodding, he went over to her body.

"This doesn't make any sense." Riley said confused by what the file said about Janessa and herself.

"You and Janessa were sisters." Kaitlin told Riley."It says here that you are twins. Also that you guys were separated at a very young age. # months after you were born." She said as she flipped to a page.

Riley read the paper.

On September 5th, 1996, Riley Blackwell and Janessa Blackwell, were separated by guardians, Eliza and Justin Blackwell. Due to uncontrollable powers between the two infants. Janessa Blackwell was moved to a couple wanting to adopt a child. The two girls remained in contact for the next 17 years due to schools and the more control they had over their gifts.

End of File 

Date of last reading, January 12th, 2014.

"That was yesterday, how'd you get?" Riley asked.

"We broke in." Alex said.

"This still doesn't make sense, why would Riley's parents send Janessa away?" Sean asked.

"Because, they were twins the powers were twice the size they should be, when together. That's like me and Alex, but when we were born we kept ourselves together." Kaitlin explained.

"What happens when a twin dies?" Riley asked.

"You absorb their powers." Alex said.

"That makes more sense, but what about, her being my sister we could just be, adopted and then given away again." Riley said.

"No, this paper here says that you are twins and will save the world from destruction."Alex said.

"What?" Riley said."I'm sorry, but I just had a deja vu moment. I feel like were supposed to find someone." 

"Yes, Natalia Cummings. She's the doctor at the hospital were going to right now." Kaitlin said.

"Did you just say Cummings? Natalia Cummings?" Sean asked.


"Dear god,"

"What?" Alex asked.

"She's our old friend. She's been dead for years!" Sean yelled.

Silence fell over the four of them.

Hey guys!

Dream Keeper is done! Full Fathom Truth will be starting soon!

Take That Para_Sarah16, I updated.

Anyway love you all!

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