Chapter One: The Girl

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I walked down the road, heading off to go buy some groceries. The fridge has really run low, and I had finally gotten my ass out of the house to go buy some food. My brother and I really needed some, but no one really wanted too go out to go buy it.

It had recently rained and puddles has gathered in the holes in the street. They created a huge splash as the card drive through them, soaking the pedestrians. The city always looked so drab and especially dirty after it rained. Every puddle was grey and murky because of all the dirt and dust that has collected in it. The pollution didn't help either.

I tilted my head back and let out a big sigh. It was at times like these that my love for the country was reinforced. Even the sky was not appealing after a rainstorm. Maybe one day I would lovqe out to the suburbs, at least. Then again, I loved the city's bustle and constant action. The conveience of everything being so close by too. I was so torn.

As I looked up to the sky, lost in my thoughts, I forgot to pay attention and promptly bumped into something. Since I was in the city, I automatically look in front of me to apologise to whoever I had walked into, but surpisingly saw nothing rich there. So, I looked down to see what I had walked into. Imagine my surpise when I see a girl lying on the floor, soaking wet and shivering.

Another strong point to go to the suburbs, or even straight to the country. In the city, it was as if everyone had lost their compassion conpletely. There were starving people. Dying people. And all other did is ignore them as they rushed past, not even giving them a dollar bwcause they need it for those new jeans. It wasn't like you have five pairs of jeans already and the person begging you for money has one.

Sorry, getting off topic here.

I croutch down beside her. "Oh, hey, sorry. Didn't see you there." I pause for a minute, and she doesn't reply. "Hey, you doing okay?"

I tap the ground next to her head, trying to get a response out of her. Now, I was really worried. She was probably only around my age and she didn't look like she was doing so great. Jeez, how long has she been out here?

I breath a sigh of relief when her eyes snap open. She look at me in terror for a second, and then sits up suddenly and scrambles back, away from me. She stops, though, as she winces in pain. Then she glares down at her ankle angrily. When she looks up at me again, she seems slightly calmer.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask her again.

She takes a second to just stare at me, before she replies. "What? Oh . . . No."

Her blunt answer makes me smile. "Yes, I can see that."

"Who are you?" She asks me curiously.

I shrug. "My names Jacob, and I'm just a teenaged guy who's kinda worried about you. How about you?"

"My name's Alleacia."

"How do you say that exactly? Al . . . ?"

"Ah-le-see-ah." She repeats, slower this time. "Why don't you just call me Ally? It will probably be easier for you."

I nod. "Alright, Ally it is." I stand up, brush myself off, and reach out one hand to her. "Why don't you come to my place and we can get you cleaned up? Otherwise you'll have it pretty rough out here, with the condition you are in now."

Without hesitation, she grabs my hand and hoists herself up. At the last minute, I remember her injured ankle and loop my other arm around her waist, steadying her as she wobbles. No, she really wouldn't be okay out here while only relying on one ankle.

"Thank you." She says after she had caught her balance.

I held on to her waist as she limped along beside me. She was pressed up against my side, balancing herself as much as possible, but sadly, that also meant that my shirt was getting soaked. We were quite close to my house so I could change my clothes soon enough. I have honestly no idea why I did this. I picked a random girl off the streets. I know a few people that would not be happy with this impulsve decision I've made. Oh well.

City of Magische Geschöpfe [Complete] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें