Chapter Nine: Lunch Time

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Why is visual arts a class? I adore the creative arts, what with the expression dramatics bring, the harmonies of vocals, and the hypnotic creativity molded in arts. However classes here on earth haven taken all the fun out of it within the first few minutes of the class I am in. Sitting here in the little box room, listening to the next teacher who knew nothing about public speaking either, droning on about semantics. Which creative genius has ever looked at art and thought about the balance of light and dark. They drew what they felt. I know I did, personally.

For some reason Christina had made sure that I was always right by her (and therefore by extension Pete), no matter the class. I would turn right round and demand that everyone, including Taylor, stopped guarding me and treating me like fragile glass, if it hadn't of been for this dynamic / atmosphere of the school. Not quite the right words, but I was at loss to. describe the feeling I felt about it. Did feel sort of bad when Christina told a boy to movero another desk so that I may sit there, anyway.

The school was eerily similar to what I had grown up with. One or more people sharing knowledge with the younger ones so that each generation could be that little bit more succesful at reaching happiness and creating what they want. But it was slower, less progressive, and a good majority of the information shared in the two classes I had so far was simply unnecessary. Also who wants to sit in a box in rows all day? Lady, guide them they have no idea how many improments have to be made.

"Lunch!" Christina crows the second the bell rings, pumping a fist up in the air and cackling. "Freedom, baby."

Bells. Couldn't really describe them as such, but that is what they all called them, and they do the same job as the real, gentle bells I knew. This? This sound was a monotonus high-pitched wail-like alarm. Bell? Show me a bell that sounds like that when you ring it, and then promptly melt it down to something better, please. Anything is better.

Not leaving me to my own devices or thoughts, Christina promptly pulls me out of the class in the same manner she had pulled me into it. Stepping out into the narrow hall we join the tight-packed stream of students all pretty much marching in the same direction as if brainwashed. Suppose, in a way, they were.

"We're gonna introduce you to everyone." Christina blabbled excitedly beside me. "They're all gonna be so excited to meet you. Living at home with them damn."

"Don't freak her out." Sighed Pete.

It was too late for that. I had been home alone or with only Jacob (and occasionally Taylor) for company. Now there were loud voices, laughter, and angry shouting echoing through my head and ringing in my ears. Beside me one kid was shoved into the wall and on the other side a girl opened a small door and things came tumbling out causing everyone to jumo back and then scrabble to help. He seemed to be undressing partially, they were kissing, someone had something interesting there, and they were shrieking.

Finally we hit the double doors, squeezing past into a large, open room. Part of the floor space is covered in round tables and half is covered in rows of counters displaying food which there was already a long line for.

"Come along, stop gawking we have food to get." Christina doesn't let me stop and stare.

The pounding pressure in my head was starting to build little by little as the voices got louder. I took solace in seeing Taylor across the room, smiling and waving as he sees us three approach. Once I was almost by his side he looks at me for a moment too long and his smile drops when he sees something he doesn't seem to like. Still he puts up a good front as people start to gather around us and introduces me to them all.

I already knew Pete and Christina. Then came Sophie with her partner April. Both girls were on the shorter side, long hair, brown and purple respectively, and an eerily similar way of talking. They had been together for a few years now already and acted like twins, one never found without the other unless strictly necessary.

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