Chapter 20: And He Wakes

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I watched Taylor as he lay there. Or rather I watched Roman through the doorway of his room as he sat beside Taylor and watched him. My view was little obscured by the giant and elaborate furniture scattered artfully throughout the space.

"He'll be alright." Ally comes up to my side and touches my arm lightly. "You would not believe how long it took for you to wake up you know."

"But I did." I argue. "I woke up and he isn't."

As if he lived to spite me, Tay chose that godforsaken moment to wake up. He couldn't have done that a minute ago or a while after I said that? As it was, I didn't quite see him open his eyes or anything like that, but a certainly saw his legs move, heard him cough, and saw as Roman started. Also Roman calling "he woke up" was a dead giveaway.

I still wasn't quite sure what this guy's constant vigilance over Taylor was about. Whether it was some weird claim he felt he had after looking after him for all of two days, or if it was something more akin to guilt over bringing Tay to a near death. Perhaps it was both, but since I wasn't allowed within the few feet of him, I was not going to find out for quite a while.

"Ah, good. He's alive." Ally says, patting the arm she had just held on to. "See? It's the same thing you went through, although he's visibly less scratched up and does not have to run for his life."

"Why is he here though?"  I wonder aloud.


I hear talking outside the door, and I realize that someone must have joined that pesky guy, so I go to see who, because if my intuition is correct, I will finally be able to apologize for my actions. As it turns out, I was correct. I hear Jacobs' question but stare at the fierce little powerhouse beside him, her deep eyes drawing me in. I look my fill, because I can finally see them when they are not filled with pain and hatred.

"He's here because he begged to be here. I would still be over in your world, safe, had it not been for him." I say, making him start. "Caused me more trouble than anything else."

"Begged? So he did not get into your things and do it of his own accord?" Alleacia speaks up.

I smile at her. "Hello, Alleacia. I–"

She cuts me off. "I do not wish to hear your apologies, Roman. I have heard to stories already from your guardian."

"Mother." I correct her, though she's quite correct too.

"Mother, then."

"Yes, alright. He asked and nagged and reasoned until even the flaws I had pointed out paled in comparison. He somehow got the upper hand on me."

Alleacia smiles. "Ah, no one gets the upper hand on you. And if they do they are ignored. You bent to his will and you know it. A human of all people."

"I bend to no one's will." At her smile, I concede. "Except for yours, and you know it. But no other, I swear."

"You're blind, Roman. Blinded with pride, especially now that you're back at full strength."

I nod empathetically. "Losing your wings really does change some key parts of your personality, doesn't it?"

"Felt like my skin had been torn off of my body, leaving me defenseless."

I curl my lip at that. "Disgusting imagery, thank you very much."

"It didn't for you?"

"No, more empty."

Jacob glances between the two of us, very confused. "You two . . ." He trails off as if unsure exactly how to continue that particular train of thought.

"We are not partners. Romantic partners, that is." I cut in quickly, in case he has been leaning in the same direction as Taylor had.

Alleacia shoots me a funny look. "We are not, no . . ."

"They tend to assume." I explain to her. "Once two of the opposite gender become to close. One thinks they are dating."

She snorts at that. "You of all people. You together with me? I could not even stand the notion. It is bad enough as is when we are simply friends."

"So you're friends?" Jacob asks.

"Since childhood," I say.

"Perhaps even before that." Alleacia adds in. "Befriended spiritual energies."

"Not a bad idea."

"You haunted me even before I had physical form."

I had to laugh at that because of the way her face screwed up after thinking that, as if she was seriously considering this idea's validity and how horrible that would be.

"Oh look, you can still laugh," she says.


"Sir? Roman? You're needed." Someone calls from downstairs, their voice muffled but still audible.

Alleacia claps me on the back. "I'll guard Taylor. Off you go, sir. Go command you legion of soldiers."

I shake my head. "Don't say that. Alright. I'll be back."

"Once he's well enough, lets all go sit somewhere at catch up. Regroup."

I nod. "Let's."

I run off to go find whoever called me. I'm still reeling from how Alleacia talked to me. More as an old friend than the person who went against her will. With who she was I could have been dead tho moment I was in the door, my only defense being who I held in my arms at the moment. But standing there, outside my room, and looking her in the eyes, was almost surreal. To see them so open and to hear her jokes without malice. I was expecting . . . something far harsher.

So I'll count my lucky stars.

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