Chapter Fifteen: No Human

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"What is that?" Roberta exclaims, wagging her cane in my general direction.

Roberta. The one who was pretty much running whatever this operation was. An old lady with thick grey hair. She wasn't the sweet, old, grandma type though. Oh no. I wasn't even sure why she used a cane. Perhaps as a disguise or for swinging around during dramatic speeches. She certainly seemed to be doing the latter right now.

A younger woman with blonde hair steps up and places a hand on her shoulder. "A human, ma. Are you blind?"

"Almost, my dear. Almost." She eyes me again. "A human. There is a human in our midst."

Ally steps forward. "Is there a problem?"

It was if is Ally was invisible before she spoke. The moment she opened her mouth all activities stopped. Everyone stopped and stared, wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

"Alleacia! Alleacia is here! She has returned!" Roberta opens her arms wide –cane swinging wildly – shouting at the top of her lungs. "Welcome back, milady."

People who were frozen now move again. Clapping starts and echoes of the news being passed around bounce off of the walls. Everything is back in full swing, the only difference being the curious stares from the people nearby. That, and Roberta's complete character change.

"I would not make such a fuss, if I were you." Ally says coolly. "I will be gone soon enough."

And Ally's change too. She was far more similar to the detached and formal girl I first set eyes on. Not the one who helped to clean a house even when she barely knew how or who viewed the world with wide-eyed wonder. No, this one has already seen too much.

"What do you mean?" Roberta looks utterly bewildered.

In fact everyone in the immediate vicinity is staring at Ally as if she had either lost her head or grown a second one. Whispers built, but Ally put her chin up higher and stared Roberta down.

"I mean I am leaving here as soon as possible." Ally grabs my arm. "Oh, and don't worry, I'll be taking this despicable human with me. Seems as if even when you're at your lowest, you still cannot resist looking down on others. Entitled the lot of you."

"Us? You are saying we are the entitled ones when all they do is ruin things and ask for more? Laughable."

"Oh shut up. I do not wish to hear any of your reasoning's or excuses. I'll be in my rooms, supposing you haven't already torn those down or repurposed them. What do you do to the things people leave behind?"

Not waiting for an answer, Ally marches off, not letting go of my sleeve. I'm left with no choice but to stumble after her, not that I would really want to do anything else. Only other option is run out the doors I came in and go face to face with whatever or whomever Ally didn't want to come into contact with, or stay with those people out there who were apparently not human, and didn't like us humans very much. No thanks.

"Them having problems with humans ruining themselves while doing the very same is laughable." Ally mutters, marching up the stairs and through giant hallways. "Only respect those who can bring you something, I suppose. Ha. This place can burn to the ground."

She didn't stop angrily muttering until she threw open a large pair of double doors and stormed inside. She threw them closed after me again. Finally looking a little calmer, she sighs and runs her hand through her hair.

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