Chapter 19: And We're Off

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I set the security alarm (not that there'll be anyone around to respond to it if someone breaks in), lock the door, and spin around with a smile. "And we're off!"

Roman shakes his head and starts off at a walk, not looking back to check if I was following or not. Of course I was, it wasn't a question. No way was I gonna miss going to a magical parallel universe.

It was a boring walk over though. No a single word was spoken as darkness fell. He kept to himself and frankly I had no reason to talk to him other than the fact that I was itching to talk and chatter. It's what I always did, so sue me.

"Here." He says suddenly, abruptly stopping behind some commercial building.

I glance around. It was dusk out. Everything was encased in an eerie shadow. The little bit of light made things look worse. I'd be far more comfortable in the pitch black, without the creepy.

"Sneaking around in the dark is a little dramatic, no?" I ask with a chuckle.

"This place is crawling with humans in the daytime. Disappearing into thin air without any explanation will cause quite the hubbub." Roman explains, looking at me as if I was an idiot (and I am). "That is everything we have worked to avoid. If you want to do it in the daytime in the house and walk for a while . . ."

He leaves that statement hanging and I just shake my head. "Fine, let's go."

He brings that briefcase out again. The very same one that was there the day Ally and Jay fell off the face of the earth. I inch closer, staring at it with open curiosity because I didn't get to see what was in it before and I damned well wanted to see the contents now.

I didn't get my wish, however, because the moment that thing was cracked open I shut my eyes on reflex. It was so damned bright. I tried to open my eyes again– nope. I give up and leave myself to the mercy of Roman. In fact, if he still was gonna be petty, this would be the best time to leave me in the dirt. Here's to hoping he doesn't.

"Ouch," I mutter. "Being in the dark doesn't help much. Pretty sure you just lit up the whole neighborhood with that shit."

"And that's why this had got to happen fast."

I snort. "You don't even deny it. God."

"Your god doesn't exist." I jerk as a hand – Roman's hand – lands on my shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"Was that necessary?" I ask, not knowing if I meant the hand or his comment.

Either way, he ignores me. "Are you ready or not?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Get this over with will you?"

"If you're sure."

I wait impatiently, the only thing I could feel was the ground beneath my feet and that accursed hand on me. Then even that moved away and I was left swaying for half a second. All this time must only have been a minute, but it already felt like much longer. Get this over with dammit.

He pressed up behind me and I can feel it. I can feel it and it's the only damned thing I can feel. I don't know whether I hate it or I love it and in the end it really doesn't matter because be pressed some container to my chest while muttering something that sounded suspiciously like a prayer. Then my world started to burn, which sounded so dramatic, but who gives a shit. Of course my only damned comfort was him, standing behind me with one hand wrapped around my waist and murmuring "I'm sorry" a couple times over.

I think by now I'm just a sentient pile of ashes so let me be dramatic.


I wasn't quite sure how it worked with Alleacia and the brother, but I'm pretty sure it went through the boy first because he jumped in the way like some damned hero in an action movie. So that's what I did. Quickly opened the container and shoved it against his chest, far more forcefully than was actually needed, but by the way his body seized up, it was the last of his worries.

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