Chapter Ten: A Busy Man

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The alarm on the stove rang just as I was about to go out. Damn, I completely forgot about those muffins. I was irritated about going back but at the same time good thing it rang before I left or I would've come back to burnt muffins and a house smelling like that for the rest of the week. I was gonna be late for picking up the two of them.

Quickly, mechanically, turned off the stove, put on the oven gloves, opened it, grabbed the trays of muffins, placed them on the side, and shut off the still-beeping alarm. With the muffins safe and out to cool, I darted out the door, nearly forgetting the car keys on the hook outside.

Hooking my phone up to my car in case on incoming calls, I started it up. 3:20 read the bright green letters on the display. Damn, I would either make it right on the dot, or, knowing traffic during the time, more like ten minutes late. Nope, never being a parent.

As I waited in traffic the phone rang. Pressed it and Taylor's voice crackled through the speaker system. "Hey you picking us up or can Ally and I start walking home?"

I bark out a short laugh. "How'd you guess?"

"'Cause I know you, Jay. You're such a dad and wanna pick us up so Ally doesn't die on her first day out. Get hit by a car or something. I swear I can keep her alive for a day."

"Hm yeah, how's she holding up?"

"Oh, uh, fine I think. You'd have to ask her."

I nod, even though he can't see me. "Yeah, but she doesn't talk much and you've been with her all day."

"Doesn't talk much?" Taylor was incredulous. "Maybe to me but man she follows you around like a puppy."

"Does not."

"Does too."

"You're the one whose room she's always in."

"Yeah 'cause she has no interest in T.V., read most of the books in the house, and you're always in the kitchen that you're always kicking her out of."

"She can't cook and I love making my own dishes. I'll teach–"

"You don't even let me in the kitchen." He counters.

"I–" He wasn't wrong.

"It's your turf, I get it. But helping me with homework isn't on the same level as the talks you two always have."

"Ha, yeah, yeah." The line beeps, signaling a pending call. "Fu–, okay one sec Taylor I gotta take this."

"Yep, sure thing." Hey says back quickly and amiably. "Gimme a call or text if you can't pick us up, 'kay?"

"Sure thing." I mutter back distractedly and pick up the call. "Robison, what's the matter? I double-checked the transaction records and they seem fine."

"There was a security issue in one of the programs and we are unsure if confidential information has been leaked and to whom, sir." He prattles off robotically and emotionlessly, of course leaving out just enough information so that none of this makes any sense.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath. "Where? Where was the issue? And can't someone else just patch it up and investigate? Because I said only call if you need me there A.S.A.P."

"Well . . ." He seems a bit more reluctant to share the news.

"It got out, didn't it?"

"Uh . . . Yes, sir."

"Sh―Alright. I'll be there. News stations?"

"You better believe it. By the droves."

I hit the steering wheel, making it honk loudly. "Dammit."

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