Chapter Five: School

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"You can't just sit around all day." Jacob suddenly says, out of the blue.

"Hmm?" I mumble, my mouth full with coco puffs.

"Look, I like having you around and you're a great help, despite your leg, but you can't just sit inside all day." He explains. "You have to do something."

We're sitting in front of the T.V. watching the news. I was planning to just finish my bowl of cereal and then start sweeping the cellar / garage  downstairs. It took me a while to learn how to clean, cook, etc., but once a learned how, it was fairly simple and quick to do.

Jacob had a point, though. Maybe I should really do something, instead of being inside the entire day. Back in the City, I was always busy. All the time.

"How old are you, anyway?" He asks.

I paused for a minute, converting my calendar into the earth one. "Sixteen."

"You should still be in school." He exclaims, shocked.

I look at him in confusion. "No? I finished when I was twelve."

"That's strange. School normally finishes in grade twelve. You should be seventeen or eighteen when it ends."

"No . . ."

That was such a long time. Why did they just learn all they needed early, and spend those other years doing something useful or helpful. Odd.

"Well . . . okay. If you already know everything, then this should be easy for you. If not, then you'll learn something new." Jacob shrugs.

I don't really mind all the much. "Okay," I agree.

"So it's settled." Jacob says, sinking back into the armchair. "I'll find a way to enroll you in school."

. . . . . . . . . .

Taylor almost chokes on the apple he's  eating. "You're willingly going to school? Are you crazy?"

I look at him, confused. "Yes, of course. I have nothing else to do, so why wouldn't I?"

"Because . . ." He splutters. "Because school is the root of all evil."

"Oh shut it Tay." Jacob laughs. "Stop being so dramatic. School isn't all that bad."

"It is. Completely." Taylor argues. "Just because you're free now doesnt magically make it better."

"Actually," Jacob corrected. "may I remind you that I actually enjoyed school while I was there? Also, I haven't been out all that long. I'm not that old. You know, if you actually finished your assignments early and started them right when they were assigned to you, you would have a lot less stress associated with school."

Taylor takes another bite of his apple and waves his hand in a shooing motion, waving off the comment. "That's something organized people do, who don't procrastinate. I say, if tomorrow isn't the due date, today isn't the do date."

Jacob sighs and rolls his eyes. "And that kind of logic," he says, pointing a finger accusingly at Taylor. "is the reason why you're always stressed."

Taylor shrugs. "Eh."

"I give up." Jacob sighs, and stalks into the kitchen, returning with a banana.

Taylor looks at me. "You're on my side, right, Ally?"

"Well I mean . . . It does kind of make more sense to finish early . . ." I start.

He slumps back on the couch in defeat. "No one. No one here is on my side." He waves a finger at me. "Let's see how organised you are when you're in school."

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