My Lucky Charm (Niall Horan)

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(Hey guys, Just letting you know it might be a bit of a slow start to the story and it might seem really boring and cliché but please wait and give it a go, it gets better in a while because the start of the story was kinda hard to make amazing but when I'm done with the book i'll re-edit ) 

The beeping of the alarm is echoeing through the room. Time to get to my lecture. I am lucky that my part of campus was only about 5 minutes from the music hall. I don't really see why we have lectures for a music degree, can't they just give us assignments and let us do our own thing. Although, I can't really complain, my best friend is in the same class as me and she keeps it entertaining. Speaking of the devil, the door crashes open and Phoebe jumps onto my bed.

"ALEX! Get up sleepy head, we're going to be late".

I can't help but smile at her enthusiasm for a monday morning, I don't know how she does it. As I open my eyes I see Phoebe is already perfectly dressed with her hair and make up done ready to go. How the hell does she get up so early to do all of this? I mean she's stunning anyway and she doesn't really need to do anything.

In high school all the boys were after her but she rejected all of them. She was focussed on her studies and the things which she knew would be permanent in her life such as music, and of course, me. haha.

Even though we were so close and similar we were also complete opposites at the same time. Phoebe had light blonde short hair and the most stunning big blue eyes. She was always dressed smartly in girly colours like pink and baby blue. She never went out in public looking anything but her best, which was pretty much all the time. She liked to impress but also not stand out too much.

However I have dark brown wavy long hair and emerald green eyes. I usually just wear casual clothes and don't make too much effort as I don't like to stand out and be noticed too much. Phoebe says if I really want to pursue my dream of becoming a singer I need to be more confident and see myself as a future trendsetter and someone who people could idolise. I knew that would never happen though, confidence has always been my big issue but I still do music at Uni because it is what I truly love and I know that will never change.

"Alright, Alright. I'm getting up, calm down little one"

I get out of bed and walk over to my wardrobe, I pull on a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized jumper saying 'Sweater Weather is Better Weather" across it. I look in the mirror to find that my hair isn't actually that bad today so I decide to leave it down but pull the sides of it into a plait and pin it up, so my hair isn't in my face. I apply a light coat of mascara and some pink lipgloss, grab my converse and head to the door.

"Finally Alex, let's go, we need to get our seats" I look down at my wrist and realise I'm not wearing my lucky bracelet.

"Shit, wait lemme get my bracelet".

My charm bracelet is literally one of the most important things in the world to me. I wear it every single day without fail. My dad had bought it for my mum when they had first gotten married. It had the letter 'N' on it simblosing her name, Nicola. After mum died it was handed down to me. At that point it only had the one charm on it but now it has atleast 5. It brings me luck and helps me carry a piece of her around wherever I go. I add charms to remind me of special or significant events in my life, my most recent being getting into UCL on a music scholarship, mum would of been so proud as she was a singer herself. She wasn't a big shot famous person, she played in small bars or local restaurants, but in my eyes she was a star.

"OK, lets go I'm ready"

Phoebe rolls her eyes "It's about time, we have to hurry".

I feel myself run into someone, which to be honest was inevatable at this time of morning on the busy streets of London.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry its just I'm late for my lecture and I'm in such a big hurry and.." he interupts me with his irish accent

"S'arlight, don't worry about it" I look up to see a boy with big blue eyes which I could stare at all day and blonde hair which was styled to perfection, I'm not even joking. Then it hits me. He's Niall Horan, the university 'man slut'. He has been with pretty much every girl I know and leaves them all heart broken in tears. Jerk. I roll my eyes and run to catch up with Phoebe who is giving me evils at the building door. 

As we sit down in our lecture, which by the way we weren't late for after all of that hurry, I find myself thinking back to the moment where I ran into Niall. I've never actually seen him in person and I see how he gets the girls. I mean I would never go there because I know what he's like, but that didn't stop my imagination....

My Lucky CharmTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang