Chapter 11 ; The past is gone

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HEY GUYS! Sorry it's been so long but I've had school and everything:)

Thankyou so much for 1,000 reads it actually means so much to me.


I'll try update more often I promise :)

(ps. I'll be editing this tomorrow so If there is any mistakes I'm sorry I just wanted to get something out to you guys)

(pps. Alex's outfit for when she goes to the nightclub is in the side bar)


I returned to our dorm as confused as ever. I remember our first date now, as clear as anything. It still doesn't change the fact that I just don't feel that way towards him anymore and it kills me to hurt him. 

After his performance everyone moved onto the next bar but I said I would call it a night as I am so tired and I just need some alone time. 

I slam the door shut and slide down onto the floor next to it. I feel the tears start to run down my face and they don't show any signs of stopping soon. WHY ME. Why can't I just have my normal life back. I want to love Niall, I want to remember all my friends and I do not want to be treated like some child.

I steadily get up off the floor and walk over to the pin board across the room. Anger rises within me. I rip the pictures down and begin tearing them up one by one. I can't do this anymore. I can't keep being compared to the old Alex, the one everyone seemed to love. Can't they just accept that she is gone. 

My phone buzzes and I look at the screen to see a message popped up from that Ben guy from skating. He is the only one that seems to treat me normally around here. I open the message 

"Hey Al! Hope you're settling in OK, let me know if you want to meet up sometime? - B x"

I press the dial button and he picks up almost instantly.

"Woah, that was a quick reply babe"

"Can you come over to my room, please? I just need someone to talk to right now that will listen without bringing up the past. I'm so sick of everyone right now and--" 

He cuts me off as he probably can hear the tears behind my voice.

"I'll be over in 5 minutes. Until then, change into something comfy and choose out a film to watch, ok?"

I smile to myself. "Thanks Ben, see you soon"

Ben seems so sweet and I know my friends have warned me about him but he seems fine and treats me better then they are at the moment.

As I change into my sweats I can't help hearing the song Niall sung tonight over and over in my head. The smile on his face was priceless and I was so happy that I could have that effect on him. The others on the other hand were just obsessed with the fact i remembered something and were trying to get out other small details. 

You know what? Why should I let this bring me down? I've had weird looks and questions since I arrived and I'm going to show everyone that I'm fully recovered and a new person. 

I run into the bathroom and change into my new leather trousers and a beatles shirt. I leave my hair down naturally wavy and apply some red lipstick and liquid liner to create a dramatic effect. Finally, to complete my new look I put a black bandana into my hair to keep it out of my face and slip on my red heels.

Just in time Ben knocks on the door. I run, well more like hobble because of the ridiculously high heels I am wearing, to the door. I open it and Ben's mouth literally drops to the ground. Well not literally but you get what I mean. Looks like it worked, I was going to get attention. Not for being the poor little innocent Alex who has suffered and needs to be comforted. No. The strong and Independent Alex that can do anything she wants.

"Uh..Uhmm...I'm guessing we aren't watching a movie?" I can't help but laugh at his shock.

"We're going out" I grab the keys and we head off into town.


I head to the night club down the road that Niall and I went to on our date. I know that my friends will be in there so I can show them the future Alex and help them not dwell on the past and gone Alex

I've almost fallen about 10 times because of these stupid heels but now my arm is linked with Ben's to help me stay up right. Smooth Alex, real smooth.


Tonight went well, I guess...well not really. Alex remembered our date which is fucking brilliant but she wasn't too phased by it. For me it was like the happiest moment of this year so far but she just seemed to shrug it off.

We're at the nightclub now, everyone is trying to get my mind off her but I just can't seem to shake it. Although my brain is going a bit fuzzy from all this alcohol Harry has been shoving down me. It's been a fun night, but I wish Alex was here.

I feel someone shaking on my shoulder and its Harry.

"Get off man" I snap at him. 

He can be so annoying when he was had a drink sometimes, well I can't really talk to be honest..

"But ALeeexx iss upppp the staaaairs brooo" I know he speaks slowly normally but he stretches out every fucking syllable once he is drunk. 

I finally piece together what he just said and look up to the stairs entering the club.

I see Ben. Dick. and next to him this smoking hot girl. I squint and notice its Alex. Holy shit. She looks so...different...good different..but oh my fucking god. 

What the fuck. Why is she holding his hand. I am going to kill that bastard.

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