Chapter 7. ; Hospital.

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Hey guys, hope you had a nice Christmas :)  I added a cheeky one direction song lyric in here, see if you can spot it;) It just kind of happened and then I realised because when I read through it I started to sing it haha, anyways enjoy.

Emily x


Phoebes POV.

We waved goodbye to Alex and Niall and got into our car. 

"So, That was fun" He smirked

"Yeah, it was really fun. Niall is absolutely useless though" We both laugh.

"Okays, we need to quickly go to the supermarket to grab some popcorn for the movie night and then we can head back to yours, Niall will not be happy without tons of food." He starts the car and drives out of the parking lot.

I notice that Nialls car is in the middle of the main road, not moving. I look around and see a lorry skidding straight towards them on their left but there is no movement from his car. What's going on? Why isn't he moving?

That is when the lorry hit their car. We both turn away unable to watch. 

When the noise stops, I jump out of the car, Harry must of seen too because he jumps out with me, and I scream. I just can't help it. Have I just watched my bestfriend be killed? Please, no. I fall to the ground, ignoring the cold snow and begin to sob. I hear Harry pulling out his phone,

"We need an ambulance, there has been a car accident just outside the icerink in maintown York, just please hurry" His voice is shakey as he rushes out the words.

He walks over to me and and tries to comfort me but as I look up all I see in the distance is Niall's mushed up car turned upside down. This can't be happening. Not on Christmas. Oh god, her dad. He can't lost someone else. 

I stand up and start walking over to the scene on the accident.

"Phoebe, What are you doing? You can't go over there, it will just make it worse!" He shouts after me but I ignore him. I need to see if there is some form of life there.

When I reach the car I can't bring myself to look in the windows so I simply just talk,

"Alex, Niall, can you guys here me?, its Phoebe" Silence. 

Harry joins me as I start to crumble. In his arms, I get weak..My body fails, I'm on my knees praying. I can't lose her, and Niall to be honest, I  don't know him very well but i'd consider him as a friend.

Harry holds me in his arms until the Ambulance arrives, they take us into the van and put blankets around us to warm us up. They ask us to describe what happened but the words will physically not come out of my mouth, I can't admit and face the reality that this has actually happened. Harry replied for the both of us,

"We were leaving the carpark just after them, we had all been iceskating together, and we noticed their car had stopped in the middle of the road, I'm guessing he couldn't move because of the ice otherwise he would skid, and we then saw the lorry skidding down towards the left of their car. To be honest after that we looked away, couldn't bare to see that happen to your two bestfriends. Sorry if its not much help" He sighs.

The woman just gives us a smile, "That's fine honey, We're going to do the best we can for your friends, you can wait here." 

The hours went by like days as we waited for news or movement of Niall or Alex. Finally, the woman comes back up to where we are sat in the abulance. 

"We have good news and bad new" Oh my god. 

"The good new is your friend Niall, we have had a response from him, very little but it means he is we are bringing him back up now to take straight to hospital." We both sigh, but then I realise there is still bad news left.. and it must be about Alex. I feel my breathing come to a holt.

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