Chapter 2. ; Performance

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After the lecture was over Phoebe jumped infront of me "What the hell was that?" . "What do you mean?" I ask.

"You know what I mean Alex, I saw you with that Niall guy earlier and ever since you've been daydreaming and not paying attention. I know you too well and I swear to god if he's got you under his spell..."

I can't help but laugh at her getting into a frenzy "Phoebs, calm down I accidentally ran into him nothing is going on but yeah I'm tired so I kind of zoned out, no need to freak out".

She just raised her eyebrow at me and looked over to the corner of the building "Then what explains the fact that he's over there staring at you" I look over to him and quickly turn away "I have no idea, lets just get out of here".

It is our first year at Uni together so we had decided to make it special and make our dorm feel homely so we don't miss our actual homes too much. On the way back from the lecture earlier we went to the shop to pick up some Christmas decorations including a small christmas tree to put up in the dorm. We are putting them up while singing our favourite Christmas songs at full volume. The track "All I want for Christmas is you" blasts out of the speakers. I look up to see Phoebe already giving me the 'let's do this' look. It is our favourite Christmas song and we both are tone deaf but still sing as loud as we can with some exaggerated dance moves to go along with it.

When the song finishes I hear a banging at the door and I run to open it. On the way stuffing a massive piece of cake into my mouth, it just looking so tempting it couldn't wait. As I swing open the door I choke on the cake and start having a coughing fit. Niall Horan, in in my doorway. What? How? Why? "Can I help you?"

He chuckles to himself "What? Oh my god, do I have cake all over my face?" he reaches out and swipes a bit off of my cheeks and licks his finger. "Dude thats gross" He laughs again, he is so adorable. No. Alex. Snap out of it.

"Sorry to bother you but earlier you dropped your bracelet and it looks pretty cute so I thought you might like it back". i look down at my wrist and then back up to the bracelet that was placed in Nialls hand. Without thinking I jump at him and give him a massive hug. He hugs back before pulling away.

"Urmm...It's okay..its not that big of a deal"

I blush "Sorry about that, I dont know what came over me, it's just this bracelet is so important to me, I don't know what I'd do without it".

"Looks like its got a 'n' on it, is that for Niall? do you secretly have a crush on me or something?" he winks at me and I look at him unamused

"No, thats for my mum, this bracelet is only about things important and significant in my life..."

"Ouch.Burn. But its'kay you don't know me I guess, but how about you get to know me?" My head is going crazy, is he asking me out on a date or somthing?

"Sorry but no thanks, I'm not really looking for a boyfriend right now and ..."

He interupts me "yeah that's fine, me neithers, how about as friends? Tonight?"

"Sorry I'm going down to Frankies, you know that local bar, with my friends from my music class. Some of us have gigs there every so often, you get a bit of money and stuff"

He actually looks quite dissapointed "oh..okay..i'll see you around someother time i guess, bye" As I watch him walk away I wonder to myself if he actually is upset or is it just part of his act. I close the door and turn around to Phoebe

"Who was that?"

"Niall, I think he just asked me out, but don't worry I said no"

"Hmm okays, we better get changed and head off to Frankies". I change into my favourite black leather skirt and a more casual red shirt. I slip on some vans and fix my hair in the mirror letting it loose. "C'mon Phoebes, you ready yet?" I dont know why I just asked that, ofcourse she would be. "Yeah I'm at the door lets go"

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