Chapter 3. ; Date Night

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Alex's POV.

Tonight is the night I'm going on my friend 'date' with Niall. I woke up this morning without my alarm having to go off, which is literally the first time that has happened, ever.

Right now I am sat in the cafeteria completely zoned out. I'm no nervous I can't even eat the burger infront of me, which usually would have been demolished but not today.

Phoebe put down her burger, "Alex, you seriously can't be worried for this thing with Niall? Do you actually like him because I thought it was just as friends but to me it seems like there's a little more feeling there. Don't worry I won't be mad if you like him or something just please tell me"

That is the question I've been asking myself all morning. Do I actually like him, I don't think so, I know his morals and how much of a jerk he is but that doesn't explain why I'm feeling so nervous,

"No I'm fine, I honestly don't know what my feelings are but I'll see after tonight. He will probably use some of his cringe moves to try get with me like all the other girls on campus, but I won't be strung a long like some lost puppy dog , don't worry Phoebs." She shrugs her shoulders and then carrys on eating her lunch.

I get back to our dorm after lunch, oh my god, I have 5 hours to kill before he picks me up. What the hell am I going to do? I open the door to find a note on the floor, it has the words

'wear something nice, and change of plans I'll meet you in the park across the road -Niall x' scribbled onto it. Great something nice, that means a posh restaurant or something I'm guessing,which I hate. The quietness and always having to look your best, I usually just shovel the food down as fast as possible and then go have fun. Not very feminine, I know. I sit down in front of my laptop and go through my tumblr feed.

Time seems to go by a little faster until finally its 4. I have two hours to get ready. I get into the warm shower and rinse through my hair. When I get out, I blow dry it so its waviness is tamed and leaves it more or less straight. I put on a short black dress with some black heels. I slip on my denim jacket and sit on my bed. Phoebe barges into the room and gasps.

"Woah girl, you look amazing. You should dress up more often, he's going to be drooling from the second he sees you"

I laugh "Thanks Phoebes, anyways I better get going, see you later" She ties up her hair into a bun and sits down on her bed, "Bye, have fun! But not too much fun, be back by 11". She winks at me and I walk out of the door. Shit. 

My nerves continue to grow and I seriously regret wearing these heels. The grass is all muddy and my heels are pretty much ruined from it. The park is dark already due to the stupid winter timings and its actually quite scary. I feel someone grab me from behind, I'm guessing its Niall being flirty already, but instead I turn around to a group of guys from my Hall. They're all pretty much pissed out of their brains and have obviously skipped class to drink all day.

"Hey Alex, you're looking pretty hot tonight, you want to come out with us for a drink?" The tall one, Ben, asked.

" thanks, i'm meeting someone and.."

The boy next to him who I don't really recognise interrupts, "I think you got the wrong idea sweetie, you see what Ben was saying, wasn't really a question, you're coming with us"

I feel myself starting to panic and walk in the other direction.

The 2 boys who I also recognise grab my wrists and the rest of the group surround me. There was 5 of them and 1 of me. Shit.

"Look  guys, I really have to get going maybe some other night...".

I feel the curly haired guys stare on me as I franticly beg for them to let me go. Ben looks me up and down and reaches out to feel my dress. I slap his hand away but that just angers him more.

The boys hold me in place and he begins to lift up my dress, I scream as loud as I can.He quickly stops

"What the hell did you do that for? Guys, we better get out of here before secuirity comes, I'm sure ill be seeing you soon Alex"

He smiles a freaky looking smile at me and the boys let go of me and push me to the ground.

Niall's POV

Its 6:20 where the hell is she? I bet she stood me up, I knew I should of picked her up from her dorm. I had everything tonight planned, a picnic under the moonlight where we could talk and really get to know one and other and then we'd walk along the riverside and see all the Christmas lights along the street with the London eye in the background and maybe I'd even get a cheeky kiss. My thoughts are interrupted by a scream coming from the distance. I run to the source of the noise and there I see Alex on the floor crying and a gang of boys running away into the darkness.

"Holy Shit Alex, are you ok?" 

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